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I'm using LAPACKE_cgesdd and LAPACKE_cgesvd to compute the singular values of a matrix. Both the routines have the option to compute the singular values only. The problem I have is that, in the following four test cases:
- Full SVD with LAPACKE_cgesdd;
- Full SVD with LAPACKE_cgesvd;
- Singular values only with LAPACKE_cgesdd;
- Singular values only with LAPACKE_cgesvd.
I receive different singular values. In particular:
Test, 3 x 4 matrix
a[0].real(5.91); a[0].imag(-5.96); a[1].real(7.09); a[1].imag(2.72); a[2].real(7.78); a[2].imag(-4.06); a[3].real(-0.79); a[3].imag(-7.21); a[4].real(-3.15); a[4].imag(-4.08); a[5].real(-1.89); a[5].imag(3.27); a[6].real(4.57); a[6].imag(-2.07); a[7].real(-3.88); a[7].imag(-3.30); a[8].real(-4.89); a[8].imag(4.20); a[9].real(4.10); a[9].imag(-6.70); a[10].real(3.28); a[10].imag(-3.84); a[11].real(3.84); a[11].imag(1.19);
Full SVD with LAPACKE_cgesdd
17.8592720031738 11.4463796615601 6.74482488632202
Full SVD with LAPACKE_cgesvd
17.8651084899902 11.3695945739746 6.83876800537109
Singular values only with LAPACKE_cgesdd
17.8592758178711 11.4463806152344 6.74482440948486
Singular values only with LAPACKE_cgesvd
17.8705902099609 11.5145053863525 6.82878828048706
As it can be seen, even for the same routine, the results can change since the third significant digit when switching from full SVD to singular values only.
My questions are:
Is this reasonable?
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance for any help.
This is the code I'm using:
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> // std::min #include <time.h> #include <complex> #include <mkl.h> #include "mkl_lapacke.h" #include "TimingCPU.h" #include "InputOutput.h" //#define FULL_SVD #define PRINT_MATRIX #define PRINT_SINGULAR_VALUES //#define PRINT_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS //#define PRINT_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS #define SAVE_MATRIX #define SAVE_SINGULAR_VALUES //#define SAVE_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS //#define SAVE_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS #define GESDD //#define GESVD /*************************************************************/ /* PRINT A SINGLE PRECISION COMPLEX MATRIX STORED COLUMNWISE */ /*************************************************************/ void print_matrix_col(char const *desc, MKL_INT Ncols, MKL_INT Nrows, std::complex<float>* a, MKL_INT LDA) { printf( "\n %s\n[", desc); for(int i = 0; i < Ncols; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < Nrows; j++) printf("(%6.2f,%6.2f)", a[i * LDA + j].real(), a[i * LDA + j].imag()); printf( "\n" ); } } /**********************************************************/ /* PRINT A SINGLE PRECISION COMPLEX MATRIX STORED ROWWISE */ /**********************************************************/ void print_matrix_row(char const *desc, int Nrows, int Ncols, std::complex<float>* a, int LDA) { printf( "\n %s\n", desc); for (int i = 0; i < Ncols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Ncols; j++) printf("%2.10f + 1i * %2.10f ", a[i * LDA + j].real(), a[i * LDA + j].imag()); printf( ";\n" ); } } /****************************************/ /* PRINT A SINGLE PRECISION REAL MATRIX */ /****************************************/ void print_rmatrix(char const *desc, MKL_INT m, MKL_INT n, float* a, MKL_INT lda ) { MKL_INT i, j; printf( "\n %s\n", desc ); for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) printf( " %6.2f", a[i*lda+j] ); printf( "\n" ); } } /********/ /* MAIN */ /********/ int main() { const int Nrows = 3; // --- Number of rows const int Ncols = 4; // --- Number of columns const int LDA = Ncols; const int LDU = Nrows; const int LDVT = Ncols; const int numRuns = 20; // --- Number of runs for timing TimingCPU timerCPU; // --- Allocating space and initializing the input matrix std::complex<float> *a = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Nrows * Ncols * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); srand(time(NULL)); // for (int k = 0; k < Nrows * Ncols; k++) { // a.real((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)); // a .imag((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)); // } a[0].real(5.91); a[0].imag(-5.96); a[1].real(7.09); a[1].imag(2.72); a[2].real(7.78); a[2].imag(-4.06); a[3].real(-0.79); a[3].imag(-7.21); a[4].real(-3.15); a[4].imag(-4.08); a[5].real(-1.89); a[5].imag(3.27); a[6].real(4.57); a[6].imag(-2.07); a[7].real(-3.88); a[7].imag(-3.30); a[8].real(-4.89); a[8].imag(4.20); a[9].real(4.10); a[9].imag(-6.70); a[10].real(3.28); a[10].imag(-3.84); a[11].real(3.84); a[11].imag(1.19); // --- Allocating space for the singular vector matrices #ifdef FULL_SVD std::complex<float> *u = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Nrows * LDU * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); std::complex<float> *vt = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Ncols * LDVT * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); #endif // --- Allocating space for the singular values float *s = (float *)malloc(std::min(Nrows, Ncols) * sizeof(float)); #ifdef GESVD float *superb = (float *)malloc((std::min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1) * sizeof(float)); #endif // --- Print and/or save input matrix #ifdef PRINT_MATRIX print_matrix_row("Matrix (stored rowwise)", Ncols, Nrows, a, LDA); #endif #ifdef SAVE_MATRIX saveCPUcomplextxt(a, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/a.txt", Ncols * Nrows); #endif // --- Compute singular values MKL_INT info; float timing = 0.f; for (int k = 0; k < numRuns; k++) { timerCPU.StartCounter(); // --- The content of the input matrix a is destroyed on output #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESDD) printf("Running Full SVD - GESDD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesdd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'A', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a, LDA, s, (MKL_Complex8 *)u, LDU, (MKL_Complex8 *)vt, LDVT); #endif #if !defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESDD) printf("Running singular values only - GESDD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesdd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a, LDA, s, NULL, LDU, NULL, LDVT); #endif #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESVD) printf("Running Full SVD - GESVD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesvd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'A', 'A', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a, LDA, s, (MKL_Complex8 *)u, LDU, (MKL_Complex8 *)vt, LDVT, superb); #endif #if !defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESVD) printf("Running singular values only - GESVD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesvd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', 'N', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a, LDA, s, NULL, LDU, NULL, LDVT, superb); #endif if(info > 0) { // --- Check for convergence printf( "The algorithm computing SVD failed to converge.\n" ); exit(1); } timing = timing + timerCPU.GetCounter(); } printf("Timing = %f\n", timing / numRuns); // --- Print and/or save singular values #ifdef PRINT_SINGULAR_VALUES print_rmatrix("Singular values", 1, Ncols, s, 1); #endif #ifdef SAVE_SINGULAR_VALUES saveCPUrealtxt(s, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/s.txt", std::min(Nrows, Ncols)); #endif // --- Print left singular vectors #ifdef PRINT_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS print_matrix_col("Left singular vectors (stored columnwise)", Ncols, Ncols, u, LDU); #endif #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(SAVE_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS) saveCPUcomplextxt(u, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/u.txt", Nrows * LDU); #endif // --- Print right singular vectors #ifdef PRINT_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS print_matrix_col("Right singular vectors (stored rowwise)", Ncols, Nrows, vt, LDVT); #endif #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(SAVE_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS) saveCPUcomplextxt(vt, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/vt.txt", Ncols * LDVT); #endif exit(0); }
compiled as
g++ -DMKL_ILP64 -fopenmp -m64 -I$MKLROOT/include svdMKLComplexSingle.cpp TimingCPU.cpp InputOutput.cpp -L$MKLROOT/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread -lm -fno-exceptions
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Hi Angelo,
These two functions are using different algorithm to calculate, that ?GESVD uses QR iteration but ?GESDD adopts divide and conquer method. I believe there would be slightly different between different methodologies. For ?GESDD with jobz 'N', the kernel will do QR factorization first and then, Bidigonalize R in A, and then perform bigiagonal SVD to compute singular value directly by sbdsdc with job 'N'. But ?GESDD with jobz 'A', will generate Q, and Vt, and perform bidiagonal SVD, computing left singular vectors of bidiagonal matrix in rwork and computing right singular vectors of bidiagonal matrix in rwork. If the result of calling sbdsdc by different job is different, it is reasonable the results of ?GESDD with different jobs are different.
Best regards,
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Thanks Fiona for your answer.
Let me just notice that they are not small differences, even for the same routine when computing the singular vectors or not. The differences are on the second/third significant digit. You say this is possible/reasonable, Am I understanding correctly?
Thank you again.
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Hi Angelo,
I believe this is an acceptable result taking into account you're using single precision routines. If you like to get more precise results, please use double complex precision.
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Hi Angelo,
Actually such kind of difference is not acceptable even for single precision because elements of the input matrix are not near underflow/overflow and its singular values are not clustered.
Please refer to documentation of ?GESVD and ?GESDD:
It says that contents of A is destroyed when JOB* is not equal to 'O'. But you iterate in loop through numRuns iterations calling SVD not for initial matrix but for some contents that was used by SVD in previous iterations. So finally you see singular values of *some matrix* with accumulated error through all these iterations. So you need to keep initial matrix and call SVD for its copy to avoid referencing destroyed contents.
For example for CGESVD, when I set numRuns to 1 I can see the following singular values:
Running singular values only - GESVD Timing = 0.000000 Singular values 17.7436085 11.5775537 6.7621651 0.0000000 Running Full SVD - GESVD Timing = 0.000000 Singular values 17.7436085 11.5775509 6.7621646 0.0000000
The difference is about 3*10-6 what looks more plausible for single precision.
Also I noticed that you allocate min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1 elements for singular values to call CGESVD. But this array should have at least min(Nrows, Ncols) elements.
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Indeed, Eugene is right. I did not notice that the program is not absolutely correct.
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Thanks to Eugene and Konstantin for their answers.
I have fixed my code according to the first Eugene's comment. Now it is
//g++ -DMKL_ILP64 -fopenmp -m64 -I$MKLROOT/include svdMKLComplexSingle.cpp TimingCPU.cpp InputOutput.cpp -L$MKLROOT/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread -lm -fno-exceptions // https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/469238 // https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/521150 // MATLAB calls DGESVD #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> // std::min #include <time.h> #include <complex> #include <string.h> #include <mkl.h> #include "mkl_lapacke.h" #include "TimingCPU.h" #include "InputOutput.h" #define FULL_SVD //#define PRINT_MATRIX #define PRINT_SINGULAR_VALUES //#define PRINT_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS //#define PRINT_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS //#define SAVE_MATRIX //#define SAVE_SINGULAR_VALUES //#define SAVE_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS //#define SAVE_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS #define GESDD //#define GESVD /*************************************************************/ /* PRINT A SINGLE PRECISION COMPLEX MATRIX STORED COLUMNWISE */ /*************************************************************/ void print_matrix_col(char const *desc, MKL_INT Ncols, MKL_INT Nrows, std::complex<float>* a, MKL_INT LDA) { printf( "\n %s\n[", desc); for(int i = 0; i < Ncols; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < Nrows; j++) printf("(%6.2f,%6.2f)", a[i * LDA + j].real(), a[i * LDA + j].imag()); printf( "\n" ); } } /**********************************************************/ /* PRINT A SINGLE PRECISION COMPLEX MATRIX STORED ROWWISE */ /**********************************************************/ void print_matrix_row(char const *desc, int Nrows, int Ncols, std::complex<float>* a, int LDA) { printf( "\n %s\n", desc); for (int i = 0; i < Ncols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Ncols; j++) printf("%2.10f + 1i * %2.10f ", a[i * LDA + j].real(), a[i * LDA + j].imag()); printf( ";\n" ); } } /****************************************/ /* PRINT A SINGLE PRECISION REAL MATRIX */ /****************************************/ void print_rmatrix(char const *desc, MKL_INT m, MKL_INT n, float* a, MKL_INT lda ) { MKL_INT i, j; printf( "\n %s\n", desc ); for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) printf( " %6.12f", a[i*lda+j] ); printf( "\n" ); } } /********/ /* MAIN */ /********/ int main() { const int Nrows = 3; // --- Number of rows const int Ncols = 4; // --- Number of columns const int LDA = Ncols; const int LDU = Nrows; const int LDVT = Ncols; const int numRuns = 20; // --- Number of runs for timing TimingCPU timerCPU; // --- Allocating space and initializing the input matrix std::complex<float> *a = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Nrows * Ncols * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); std::complex<float> *a_temp = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Nrows * Ncols * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); // srand(time(NULL)); // for (int k = 0; k < Nrows * Ncols; k++) { // a.real((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)); // a .imag((float)rand() / (float)(RAND_MAX)); // } a[0].real(5.91); a[0].imag(-5.96); a[1].real(7.09); a[1].imag(2.72); a[2].real(7.78); a[2].imag(-4.06); a[3].real(-0.79); a[3].imag(-7.21); a[4].real(-3.15); a[4].imag(-4.08); a[5].real(-1.89); a[5].imag(3.27); a[6].real(4.57); a[6].imag(-2.07); a[7].real(-3.88); a[7].imag(-3.30); a[8].real(-4.89); a[8].imag(4.20); a[9].real(4.10); a[9].imag(-6.70); a[10].real(3.28); a[10].imag(-3.84); a[11].real(3.84); a[11].imag(1.19); // --- Allocating space for the singular vector matrices #ifdef FULL_SVD std::complex<float> *u = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Nrows * LDU * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); std::complex<float> *vt = (std::complex<float> *)malloc(Ncols * LDVT * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); #endif // --- Allocating space for the singular values float *s = (float *)malloc(std::min(Nrows, Ncols) * sizeof(float)); #ifdef GESVD float *superb = (float *)malloc((std::min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1) * sizeof(float)); #endif // --- Print and/or save input matrix #ifdef PRINT_MATRIX print_matrix_row("Matrix (stored rowwise)", Ncols, Nrows, a, LDA); #endif #ifdef SAVE_MATRIX saveCPUcomplextxt(a, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/a.txt", Ncols * Nrows); #endif // --- Compute singular values MKL_INT info; float timing = 0.f; for (int k = 0; k < numRuns; k++) { memcpy(a_temp, a, Nrows * Ncols * sizeof(std::complex<float>)); timerCPU.StartCounter(); // --- The content of the input matrix a is destroyed on output #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESDD) printf("Running Full SVD - GESDD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesdd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'A', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a_temp, LDA, s, (MKL_Complex8 *)u, LDU, (MKL_Complex8 *)vt, LDVT); #endif #if !defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESDD) printf("Running singular values only - GESDD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesdd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a_temp, LDA, s, NULL, LDU, NULL, LDVT); #endif #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESVD) printf("Running Full SVD - GESVD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesvd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'A', 'A', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a_temp, LDA, s, (MKL_Complex8 *)u, LDU, (MKL_Complex8 *)vt, LDVT, superb); #endif #if !defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(GESVD) printf("Running singular values only - GESVD\n"); MKL_INT info = LAPACKE_cgesvd(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', 'N', Nrows, Ncols, (MKL_Complex8 *)a_temp, LDA, s, NULL, LDU, NULL, LDVT, superb); #endif if(info > 0) { // --- Check for convergence printf( "The algorithm computing SVD failed to converge.\n" ); exit(1); } timing = timing + timerCPU.GetCounter(); } printf("Timing = %f\n", timing / numRuns); // --- Print and/or save singular values #ifdef PRINT_SINGULAR_VALUES print_rmatrix("Singular values", 1, std::min(Nrows,Ncols), s, 1); #endif #ifdef SAVE_SINGULAR_VALUES saveCPUrealtxt(s, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/s.txt", std::min(Nrows, Ncols)); #endif // --- Print left singular vectors #ifdef PRINT_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS print_matrix_col("Left singular vectors (stored columnwise)", Ncols, Ncols, u, LDU); #endif #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(SAVE_LEFT_SINGULAR_VECTORS) saveCPUcomplextxt(u, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/u.txt", Nrows * LDU); #endif // --- Print right singular vectors #ifdef PRINT_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS print_matrix_col("Right singular vectors (stored rowwise)", Ncols, Nrows, vt, LDVT); #endif #if defined(FULL_SVD) && defined(SAVE_RIGHT_SINGULAR_VECTORS) saveCPUcomplextxt(vt, "/home/angelo/Project/SVD/MKL/vt.txt", Ncols * LDVT); #endif exit(0); }
The result is now stable up to 6 significant digits, namely,
CGESVD Singular values only 17.743608474731 11.577552795410 6.762166023254 CGESVD Full SVD 17.743610382080 11.577552795410 6.762166976929 CGESDD Singular values only 17.743608474731 11.577551841736 6.762166500092 CGESDD Full SVD 17.743612289429 11.577552795410 6.762166023254
However, Matlab provides a different result. If I use
clear all close all clc a = [ 5.91 - 1i * 5.96; 7.09 + 1i * 2.72; 7.78 - 1i * 4.06; -0.79 - 1i * 7.21; -3.15 - 1i * 4.08; -1.89 + 1i * 3.27; 4.57 - 1i * 2.07; -3.88 - 1i * 3.30; -4.89 + 1i * 4.20; 4.10 - 1i * 6.70; 3.28 - 1i * 3.84; 3.84 + 1i * 1.19]; a = reshape(a, 3, 4); S = svd(a);
then the singular values are
17.305197592928174 13.617559069765090 3.113602616129962
Is there any other problem with my code?
Also, Eugene, I do not understand your statement:
Also I noticed that you allocate min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1 elements for singular values to call CGESVD. But this array should have at least min(Nrows, Ncols) elements.
Do you refer to
float *s = (float *)malloc(std::min(Nrows, Ncols) * sizeof(float));
or to
#ifdef GESVD float *superb = (float *)malloc((std::min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1) * sizeof(float)); #endif
The documentation says that superb should have min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1, am I right?
Thank you again for any help.
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Matlab is column major for reshape function, but in MKL program you set to row-major. Please change to row major matrix to test in Matlab:
b=double([5.91;7.09;7.78;-0.79;-3.15;-1.89;4.57;-3.88;-4.89;4.10;3.28;3.84]) c=double([-5.96;2.72;-4.06;-7.21;-4.08;3.27;-2.07;-3.30;4.20;-6.70;-3.84;1.19]) a=complex(b,c) a=reshape(a,4,3) a=reshape(a',3,4) S=svd(a)
And the result would be sam as MKL:
S =
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Add another comment:
Right, the S should be at least min(Nrows, Ncols) elements. and the superb min(Nrows, Ncols) - 1 should be OK. in documentation, it mentioned
If ?bdsqr does not converge (indicated by the return value info > 0), on exit superb(0:min(m,n)-2) contains the unconverged superdiagonal elements of an upper bidiagonal matrix B whose diagonal is in s (not necessarily sorted).
Best Regards,

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