Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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Can't get correct output while trying the RCI (Preconditioned) Flexible Generalized Minimal Example


Theexample codewritten in C is given in the file "fgmres_no_precon_c.c". I've created a new project to execute this example. But it can't give the correct output as described in the document. I am still ckecking to see what's wrong.I've noticed a problem: mkl_dcsrgemv(&cvar, &ivar, A, ia, ja, expected_solution, rhs); This line intends to initialize the right hand side through matrix-vector product, but "rhs" is not changed(initalized) afterexecuting this line.It seems that the function doesn't work well.. And if I initializerhsby declaring double rhs={-1,1,0,3,2},I still geta wrongsolution computed by FGMRES solver.It reallymakes me feelconfused. Pls help me and thx for your help.

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