Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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FEA and CFD with Math Kernel Library


Good day!

I present R&D department of organisation. We use Intel Core i7-6700, 7700 CPUs. 

Our main software for ingineering calculations and simulations are Autodesk Inventor 2021.1, Autodesk CFD 2021.1. 

1 st question is: can Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library(link below) installation speed up FEA calculations, CFD calculations?

2 nd question is a bit more wider. We know from the practice of using various engineering software that they all are diffrent in multicore usage possibility. For example Solidworks Flow Simulation uses all avalable cores, but Autodesk CFD just sometimes. Finally, in task manager there is 17-60% usage of CPU for Autodesk CFD and 100% in any moment of simulation for SolidWorks Flow Simulation. 

So, Math Kernel Library can operates well and can be helpfull only for software which supports multicore usage, or its can be helpfull in any case?


Math Kernel Library link


Thank You in advance!

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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

MKL consists of a collection of library routines, implemented in static or shared libraries, and files to facilitate compiling and linking user or third party code with these libraries.

If third-party software detects the presence of MKL and has built-in capabilities to issue calls to the MKL routines, that software may run faster and use multicore capabilities more efficiently. Otherwise, simply installing MKL will have no effect on the third party software.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

MKL consists of a collection of library routines, implemented in static or shared libraries, and files to facilitate compiling and linking user or third party code with these libraries.

If third-party software detects the presence of MKL and has built-in capabilities to issue calls to the MKL routines, that software may run faster and use multicore capabilities more efficiently. Otherwise, simply installing MKL will have no effect on the third party software.


Thank You for information!

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