Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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How to install MKL into a non-default location?

I am trying to install MKL version 9.0 on my machine. My OS is Debian
testing. I notice in the installation guide there is a warning about installing with rpm, that old rpms will prevent installation into a non-default location. I got the same error message, though my rpm version is 4.4.1 (much newer than those mentioned in the installation guide).

I have to install the library into another location because not much space was allocated at the default location. Actually the default installation did not succeed because not enough space is left on the device.

So installing into a non-defaut location is still a problem with current rpm? Is there a way to install the library into a non-default location?

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2 Replies
I used alien while installing Intel compilers on my Debian box (some notes are available here). You might want to try the same with the MKL 9.0

Btw I am still using mkl721 and as far as I remember it came as a tgz (with an installer that prompts for the location)
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Hi tabrezali,
Thank you for your reply. I had no problem installing intel Fortran and C compilers. Actually, for 9.x versions, you don't even need to use alien. And the installer prompted for installation location during the process.

However things are different with MKL (9.0). The installer did not prompt for new location when extracting the rpm package. alien or dpkg of course will not either. So the result is, when I use dpkg to install the converted deb package, it failed.

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