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Intel MKL 10.0 Update 4 is now available

Intel MKL 10.0 Update 4 is now available. Update 4 includes the following improvements:
  • Performance Improvements in the BLAS:
    • 32-bit improvements
      • 40-50% improvement for (Z,C)GEMM on Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor 5300 series
      • 10% improvement for all GEMM code on Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor 5400 series
    • 64-bit improvements
      • 2.5-3% improvement for DGEMM on 1 thread on Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor 5400 series
      • 50% improvement for SGEMM on the forthcoming Intel microarchitecture, code named Nehalem
      • 3% improvement for CGEMM on 1 thread on the forthcoming Intel microarchitecture, code named Nehalem
      • 2-3% improvement for ZGEMM on 1 thread on the forthcoming Intel microarchitecture, code named Nehalem
      • 30% improvement for right-side cases of DTRSM on the forthcoming Intel microarchitecture, code named Nehalem
  • Improvements to the direct sparse solver (DSS/PARDISO):
    • The performance of out-of-core PARDISO was improved by 35% on average.
  • Performance improvement on the Intel microarchitecture, code named Nehalem:
    • 3-17% improvement for the following VML functions: Asin, Asinh, Acos, Acosh, Atan, Atan2, Atanh, Cbrt, CIS, Cos, Cosh, Conj, Div, ErfInv, Exp, Hypot, Inv, InvCbrt, InvSqrt, Ln, Log10, MulByConj, Sin, SinCos, Sinh, Sqrt, Tanh.
    • 7-67% improvement for uniform random number generation.
    • 3-10% improvement for VSL distribution generators based on Wichmann-Hill, Sobol, and Niederreiter BRNGs (64-bit only).
  • On Linux*: When functions in Intel MKL are called from an MPI program they will be run on 1 thread by default (i.e., in the absence of explicit controls).
  • On Windows*: It is now possible to create DLLs from the static libraries.

See the release notes for further information

To download, please login at the Intel Registration Center. Intel MKL 10.0 Update 4 is available for Linux*, Windows*, and Mac OS* X.

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