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Intel MKL 10.2 is now available


Intel MKL 10.2 Update 1is now available.This full Intel MKL packageincludes the following features:

  • New features
    • LAPACK 3.2
    • Introduction of DZGEMM
    • PARDISO support for real and complex, single precision data
  • Usability/Interface improvements
    • Sparse matrix format conversion routines
    • Fortran 95 BLAS and LAPACK mod files
    • FFTW3 interface improvement
    • DFTI interface improvement
    • New Jacobi matrix calculation routine in the optimization solver domain
    • Compatibility libraries have been removed
  • Performance improvements
    • Performance improvements for BLAS, LAPACK, PARDISO (in-core and out-of-core, FFTs, VML) targeted at Intel Core i7, Core 2, and Xeon processors.
  • Bug fixes
    • Intel MKL 10.2 Update 1 fixes several issues in version 10.2 (See the knowledgebase article for more information).

For further information on these features see the New in Intel MKL 10.2 knowledgebase article.

For more information on other Intel software tools release to day: Updates today for our compilers, libraries and cluster toolkits.

Users with current licenses may login at the Intel Registration Center to download.

Note: Version 10.2 is not a pre-requisite for installing version 10.2 Update 1 and is not available for download. Customers with the Intel MKL 10.2 CD are encouraged to download version 10.2 Update 1 from the Intel Registration Center.

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4 Replies
Where is libmkl_ipf.a? It was in version for ia64. It does not exist in
0 Kudos
Where is libmkl_ipf.a? It was in version for ia64. It does not exist in

These were dummy libraries (contained references to the others MKL libraries) and they were removed from this version (10.2)
Please refer to the Release notes:
Usability/Interface improvements


Removed compatibility libraries (also known as "dummy" libraries) from this version of the library

0 Kudos
Where is libmkl_ipf.a? It was in version for ia64. It does not exist in

Mark, as an additional info please see the KB ( ) we published regarding this topic.
0 Kudos

Intel MKL 10.2 Update 1is now available.This full Intel MKL packageincludes the following features:

  • New features
    • LAPACK 3.2
    • Introduction of DZGEMM
    • PARDISO support for real and complex, single precision data
  • Usability/Interface improvements
    • Sparse matrix format conversion routines
    • Fortran 95 BLAS and LAPACK mod files
    • FFTW3 interface improvement
    • DFTI interface improvement
    • New Jacobi matrix calculation routine in the optimization solver domain
    • Compatibility libraries have been removed
  • Performance improvements
    • Performance improvements for BLAS, LAPACK, PARDISO (in-core and out-of-core, FFTs, VML) targeted at Intel Core i7, Core 2, and Xeon processors.
  • Bug fixes
    • Intel MKL 10.2 Update 1 fixes several issues in version 10.2 (See the knowledgebase article for more information).

For further information on these features see the New in Intel MKL 10.2 knowledgebase article.

For more information on other Intel software tools release to day: Updates today for our compilers, libraries and cluster toolkits.

Users with current licenses may login at the Intel Registration Center to download.

Note: Version 10.2 is not a pre-requisite for installing version 10.2 Update 1 and is not available for download. Customers with the Intel MKL 10.2 CD are encouraged to download version 10.2 Update 1 from the Intel Registration Center.

fyi: Intel MKL 10.2 Update 2 version is now available.
for getting more details, please refer to the link:""
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