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MKL_pardiso weird behaviour with large matrices


Hello, everybody.

Still trying to solve very large systems of sparse equations with `mkl pardiso`, single node, multiple thread version. The solver is behaving really well for small systems, but not so much for larger equations. In our case, scalability is essential.

With a large enough system of linear equations (79999 x 79999, 100528321 non-zeros), the sovler returns a vectors of `-nan`s, without reporting any errors. The expected result is provided (`expected-result.txt`).

The example code is provided below. The data is linked to here: It is a `tar.gz` archive with the binary matrix representation, read by the code provided below.

There is an additional strange behaviour of the solver, where the `allocation of internal data structures` in the factorization phase is dominating the runtime. It is taking one user thread (100% user time), and take the majority of the executable's time. This behaviour is similar to that described here: I believe the core of the issue is within `parMETIS`, not `pardiso`.

The code is linked against MKL `11.2.3`, release `composer_xe_2015.3.187`.

Thank you for your assistance. I would be happy to provide additional details.

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4 Replies

Ivan, could to try to set iparm[1] = 0 and/or the latest MKL 11.3.1 and check how it will work?

0 Kudos

Hello, Gennady.

You are right, this is not a `METIS` issue. The situation with 11.3 and minimum-degree algorithm is the same (aside from being significantly slower on the re-order step).

Please see the log attached.

Just as an aside, the executable, should you want to run it, takes two command line arguments - N (the matrix size) and NZ (the non-zero entries). The parameters for the provided input are: `./solver 79999 100528321`


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Hello Ivan,

I see two problems here:

1. this matrix is inconsistency with CSR representation. I checked this case with pardiso ( not pardiso_64() ) API with Matrix Checker enabled. here is the log I see on my side: 

Major version:           11
Minor version:           3
Update version:          1
Product status:          Product
Build:                   20151021
Platform:                Intel(R) 64 architecture
Processor optimization:  Intel(R) Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel(R) AVX) enabled processors

*** Error in PARDISO  (incorrect input matrix  ) error_num= 21

*** Input check: i=79998, ia=50263452, ia[i+1]=0 are incompatible

ERROR during symbolic factorization: 4294967295

2. the second topic is the problem on our side, because when pardiso_64() is used, the matrix checker doesn't work properly when he called from Pardiso_64().  This problem is escalated.

thanks, Gennady

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The problem with matrix checker from Pardiso_64() API, has been fixed in MKL version 11.3 u2 available now.

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