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Matrix Orthogonalization Routine

Hey guys,

The lab I work with is trying to port some of their old code that uses the NAG libraries over to a new supercomputer cluster that does not have NAG but has Intel MKL. Most of the general LAPACK and BLAS routines have a simple counterpart, but there is one NAG routine that I was wondering if MKL had something similar to.

The routine in NAG is called: F05AAF. It takes in a set of vectors and orthogonalizes them. We use it to orthogonalize a matrix in our code. The MKL libraries have orthogonal factorization routines, but I do not believe that it is the same thing as matrix orthogonalization (NAG uses the Gram-Schmidt process).

Here is the NAG description of F05AAF:

Could anybody shine some light on whether MKL has this capability?


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4 Replies


I'm an MKL LAPACK engineer. MKL doesn't have matrix orthogonalization routine. Generally, MKL supports LAPACK standard, which is described at,but this routine isn't standard. Anyway, we can introduce functionality in MKL if it's useful for our customers.

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Quoting - yelu1220
Hey guys,

The lab I work with is trying to port some of their old code that uses the NAG libraries over to a new supercomputer cluster that does not have NAG but has Intel MKL. Most of the general LAPACK and BLAS routines have a simple counterpart, but there is one NAG routine that I was wondering if MKL had something similar to.

The routine in NAG is called: F05AAF. It takes in a set of vectors and orthogonalizes them. We use it to orthogonalize a matrix in our code. The MKL libraries have orthogonal factorization routines, but I do not believe that it is the same thing as matrix orthogonalization (NAG uses the Gram-Schmidt process).

Here is the NAG description of F05AAF:

Could anybody shine some light on whether MKL has this capability?



We would recommend you submit the issue against MKL to Premier support( )


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For such request, MKL LAPACK functionality can be used:

If we consider QR factorization of the M-by-N (M>N) matrx A=Q*R in the form where Q is square M-by-M matrix and R is an upper triangular M-by-N matrix. The equality A=Q*R can be re-written also as a product Q1*R1 where Q1 is a rectangular M-by-N submatrix of the matrix Q and R1 is M-by-M submatrix of the R. Let us note that columns of Q1 are orthonormal (they are orthogonal to each other and have norms equal to 1). The equality A=Q1*R1 can be treated as every column of A is a linear combination of Q1 columns, i.e. they span the same linear space. In other words, columns of Q1 is nothing else but a result of ortogonalization of columns A.

Of course, cases where R degenerates should be cosnsidered with some care and R must be trapezoidal if rank(A) is less than N.

QR functionality of MKL does not give Q directly- after calling DGEQRF a function DORGQR must be called.

DGEQPF might be useful for degenerate cases.

how does this works for you?


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For such request, MKL LAPACK functionality can be used:

If we consider QR factorization of the M-by-N (M>N) matrx A=Q*R in the form where Q is square M-by-M matrix and R is an upper triangular M-by-N matrix. The equality A=Q*R can be re-written also as a product Q1*R1 where Q1 is a rectangular M-by-N submatrix of the matrix Q and R1 is M-by-M submatrix of the R. Let us note that columns of Q1 are orthonormal (they are orthogonal to each other and have norms equal to 1). The equality A=Q1*R1 can be treated as every column of A is a linear combination of Q1 columns, i.e. they span the same linear space. In other words, columns of Q1 is nothing else but a result of ortogonalization of columns A.

Of course, cases where R degenerates should be cosnsidered with some care and R must be trapezoidal if rank(A) is less than N.

QR functionality of MKL does not give Q directly- after calling DGEQRF a function DORGQR must be called.

DGEQPF might be useful for degenerate cases.

how does this works for you?


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