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Missing Fortran Name Decoration on IA32 Machines

Hello, I am building a Fortran 77, 32 bit static library application on a 64 bit windows machine. The compiler is vs. 11.0.072. When building from the command prompt using a make file, the name decoration (underscore prefix) is missing. This library is called from C using the C calling convention (_decl or /Gd). The fortran build options are shown below. In the mean time I have been able to build the library correctly (with underscore prefix decoration) with a visual studio project (intel compiler).

FC_LIB_OPTIONS = /c /O2 /Ot -D_WIN32 /Qdiag-disable:2259,177 /assume:byterecl /iface:default \\
/nologo /integer-size:32 /debug:full /Zp16

Any suggestions on how to get the make file build to generate the correct decorated names ???

Thanks in advance, John McElhaney
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III
See the description of the /assume:[no]underscore option in the Intel Fortran User Guide. If in a hurry, try ifort/help.
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Hi, Thanks for the response. the /assume option applies to appending an underscore to the end of the function name. The name decoration prefixes the underscore. After some surfing on the internet, I found an intel source that says that this has been known to happen.Perhaps the compiler just gets hung up because the 32 bit app is being built on an x64 architecture. Strange though that it correctly generates the name decoration when building inside of visual studio.
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