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Need help! Can you compile pardiso_unsym_complex_c.c on visual studio 2008?

I have a problem compiling or linking pardiso on visual studio 2008 (C++). I don't know what went wrong so I tried on the example code "pardiso_unsym_complex_c.c" and got the same (as compiling my own code) error messages below. It worked fine for "pardiso_unsym_c.c". Did I miss any header file? I noticed that with or without mkl_pardiso.h I got the same error message. In addition, I linked mkl by right clicking on the project name then add Intal MKL, didn't do manually.

Please helpppp :(

1>test.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00003C) "int __cdecl PARDISO(void *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,struct doublecomplex *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,struct doublecomplex *,struct doublecomplex *,int *)" (?PARDISO@@$FYAHPAXPAH1111PAUdoublecomplex@@111111221@Z) referenced in function "public: __clrcall Test::Test(void)" (??0Test@@$FQ$AAM@XZ)

1>test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl PARDISO(void *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,struct doublecomplex *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,struct doublecomplex *,struct doublecomplex *,int *)" (?PARDISO@@$FYAHPAXPAH1111PAUdoublecomplex@@111111221@Z) referenced in function "public: __clrcall Test::Test(void)" (??0Test@@$FQ$AAM@XZ)

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5 Replies

Hi, worakanok

I think the followingKB articles will help you to find out how to create and link your application with the latest MKL's version.

The first KB article "Integrating a Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE Project with Intel MKL", This KB article provides of Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE projects with the library.

And the second article will helps you to select libraries you need for linking your application


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As an additional help, I ve attached the mvcs 2005 project with pardiso_unsym_c.c example. You can convert it to 2008 and check how it will work.

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Hi, worakanok

I think the followingKB articles will help you to find out how to create and link your application with the latest MKL's version.

The first KB article "Integrating a Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE Project with Intel MKL", This KB article provides of Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE projects with the library.

And the second article will helps you to select libraries you need for linking your application


Well thank you for your reply. However, my problem was not linking MKL with MVS. If you try to run the example "pardiso_unsym_complex_c.c" that came with your MKL, i'll see that it can't compile. I found out later from a help of my friend and google that in order for pardiso to work for complex number you need to cast _DOUBLE_COMPLEX_t to double or PARDISO will not recognize it. I am now having another problem that pardiso (complex) doesn't give me the right solution compared with that given by using real-number pardiso. Any suggestion?
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It seems that you use *.cpp extention for this test.

Am I right? If yes, you can add


And comment


// (void *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *,

// double *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *, MKL_INT *,

// MKL_INT *, double *, double *, MKL_INT *);

( the example pardiso_unsym_c.c pardiso_unsym_c.cpp is attached).

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Well thank you for your reply. However, my problem was not linking MKL with MVS. If you try to run the example "pardiso_unsym_complex_c.c" that came with your MKL, i'll see that it can't compile. I found out later from a help of my friend and google that in order for pardiso to work for complex number you need to cast _DOUBLE_COMPLEX_t to double or PARDISO will not recognize it.

I am now havinganother problem that pardiso (complex) doesn't give me the right solutioncompared with that given by using real-number pardiso. Anysuggestion?

Can you get the test case? ( Feel free to reply in Private if needed ).

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