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Problems with Pardiso and DSS


Sorry if my question sounds stupidly, but can I use PARDISO program on a personal computer with 1 processor? Won't it slow down the execution instead of speeding it up? Thank you.

Another question (i see that there was similar question in thin forum, but i didn't find a solution): except pardiso MKL propose another direct routine for sparse solving, DSS. Though i don't arrive to link it with my program. The builder gives anerror as follows

solver_f90_test.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DSS_CREATE

for all the routines of DSS. I specified the paths to mkl_s.lib and mkl_solver.lib, as well as paths for module mkl_dss, but it doesn't work =(. What's wrong? May be MKL is not compatible with CVF6.6c I'm using?

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As nobody replies, I reformulate my question: is itpractically possible to link MKLfunctions DSSto a programunder CVF6.6c?

I'd like to see the object files in libraries, but to do this, i have to extract them.CVF tells it's possible using LIB /EXTRACT: file.obj namelib.lib, but this command extracts only 1 file in 1 call! And even before this, I must know the names of files, but LIB /LIST file.txt libname.lib gives the fatal error while opening file.txt... What should I do, then?..


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