Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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SuperComputing 2010 - Come Talk to Intel(R) MKL team


Please come talk to members of the Intel MKL team at SuperComputing 2010 in New Orleans! Several of us will be there to support the following events

Intel Theater Talk: Five Important Concepts to Consider when Using Computing High Performance Systems at Scale, by Professor Jack Dongarra - Univ of Tennessee

o Wednesday, Nov. 17th from 2:00pm-3:00pm

Intel Theater Talk: Simple, powerful multi-core computing in .NET with Intel MKL, by Paul Shirkey and Trevor Misfeldt (Centerspace)

o Thursday, Nov. 18th from 12:00pm-12:30pm

Exhibit Floor: Intel Software Tools for Manycore demo

o Monday Nov. 15 from 7pm to 9pm, Tues Nov 16 10am-6pm, Wed Nov 17 10am-6pm, Thurs Nov 18 10am-3pm

If you want to set up a meeting with Intel MKL team, please email us .

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