Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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The support period for my license has expired.


Hi, folks.

What I have tried is to download latest Parallel Studio using my 'old' profile that I've created several years ago. And I got 

"The support period for your license has expired. To download this product update, you will need to purchase renewal licenses to extend your support from your expiration date (07 Aug 2015) to the build date of this product update (15 Mar 2018). Note that support for new renewal licenses will begin on 07 Aug 2015."

And my serial number is not commercial and can not be renewed.

So to download latest 'free' MKL I have to create new profile.

To be honest the situation looks a bit strange for me. Is it possible to keep my profile and have latest MKL?


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1 Reply

Could you please submit the ticket to Intel Online Service Center. Please check the Article.

Who is eligible to receive Priority Support? 

Customers with paid Intel® Software Development Products with current active support are eligible for Priority Support. You need to register your product on the Intel® Registration Center to receive Priority Support. We also encourage customers to visit our user forums for support with related issues, such as programming practices and discussions with other users.

Customers with free licenses such as student, educator, open source contributor, or Intel® Performance Libraries do not qualify for Priority Support. You may seek technical support from Intel community user forums that are followed by expert users. Products with Priority Support may be purchased directly from the Intel® Web Store or from our resellers.

Getting started (registration, download, licensing, installation) questions only may be submitted, regardless whether you have active Priority Support or not.

Getting started (registration, download, licensing, installation) questions only may be submitted, regardless whether you have active Priority Support or not.  

Customers with Priority Support may submit requests to the Online Service Center regarding various Intel products, including Intel® Software Development Products. Requests can include questions, problems, and other technical support issues. Customers can also monitor previously submitted issues.

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