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Version 9 -> 10 Update/ Linking problems

We are using the ia32 versions of MKL/vsl/vml and the version 9 to version 10 is causing a lot of link problems.

The documentation references online examples of linking for the ia32 environment, but alas they do not exist, and there are none in the provided documentation.

We simply wanted to upgrade to v10, (no interest in changing link model, etc. or any of that) and the new version is certainly not proving to be "migration friendly"

Beau Paisley

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III
ifort 10.1.012 has corrected a failure to link correctly with static MKL 10. 32-bit linking of MKL 10 is much the same as 64-bit, except that no ilp64 or lp64 library is used. Among the confusing factors is that the "libraries" with the names carried over from previous versions are simply scripts, which you can display as text samples of typical combinations. You must choose between the mkl_intel_thread and the mkl_sequential (no new worker threads generated by MKL).
The intel_thread library will link with either ifort -openmp library (-openmp-lib legacy or -openmp-lib compat). Use just one of the OpenMP libraries, which are present in both static and dynamic versions, inthe MKL and the ifort (as well as icc) installations, recognizing that ifort -openmp implicitly links one of them.
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We are using Intel C++, not ifort, and with the most recent additions there still are errors of multiple definitions when choosing the appropriate libraries from each of the "layers"

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Honored Contributor III
The multiple definition problem is one of the issues with use of the pseudo-library scripts, or with combinations of dynamic and static linking. Perhaps someone here could make a more useful judgement from the exact error messages. ifort and icc/icpc behave in the same way with respect to OpenMP library linking. If you can't resolve it, you should consider submitting your problem report on your account on

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