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Why the include path is always wrong?



A program contains mkl_vsl functions. I have some codes as follow,


status = vsldConvNewTaskX1D(task,VSL_CONV_MODE_DIRECT,Nt,Nt,Nt,Ram_par,1)
status = vsldConvExecX1D(task,It_1D,1,Ram,1)
errcode = vslConvDeleteTask(task)"

I have already set in IVF,

1) Tools-Options-Compiler Seletion (Libraries-C:Program Files (x86)IntelMKL10.0.012em64tlib, Includes-C:Program Files (x86)IntelMKL10.0.012include)

2) Project--Linker-Input-additional dependencies(mkl_dll.lib libguide40.lib).

3) Running the mklvarsem64t.bat file...

Moreover, the beginning of the program contains "Use MKL_VSL". Afterabve setting, compilation is not completed yet. It still show that,

F:....f90(384) : Error: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [MKL_VSL]
F:....f90(389) : Error: This derived type name has not been declared. [VSL_CONV_TASK]
F:....f90(416) : Error: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [TASK]
F:...(416) : Error: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [VSL_CONV_MODE_DIRECT]
F:....f90(416) : Error: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [VSLDCONVNEWTASKX1D]
F:....f90(417) : Error: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [VSLDCONVEXECX1D]
F:...f90(418) : Error: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [VSLCONVDELETETASK]


What'swrong with it? I really have no idea... Could you give me some advices?

btw: I have use the mkl_dfti funcions in the same program quite well.. (It has to use the command "ifort -c mkl_dfti.f90" to creat "mkl_dfti.mod". However, there is "" only. SoI am afraid that the"mkl_vsl.mod"could not be created. Is it right?)What problem occurs in the mkl_vsl?

Thank you so much!

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1 Reply
The INCLUDE path is not necessarily "wrong", but I'll agree that there is no mkl_vsl.mod in the folders you have mentioned. It is not clear to me what MKL intends you to do here - I can see documentation on building the BLAS and LAPACK95 interfaces, but not for VSL. I am going to move this question to the MKL forum for response from MKL experts.

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