Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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ifc8.0, mkl6.1 and

New Contributor II
It looks like the versions of which come with ifc 8.0 and mkl6.1 are different; the one with ifc 8.0 cannot be used for mkl6.1 since it does not have all the required routines. This is for a redhat 9.0 system where I cannot do a -static link. I can only get the code to run by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look first at the mkl6.1 library. Has anyone worked out the "best" strategy to this?
N.B., in calculations on a dual-memory 3.4G P4 attempts to use more than one thread seem to be really bad, slowing down the code by 50% -- perhaps due to inconsistencies....
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