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Dear MKL experts,
I'm testing the function,mkl_sparse_z_export_csr, in Inspector-executor Sparse BLAS, to convert COO format into CSR format and output the CSR format. The function returns BIZARRE results as shown in the below. I guess I did something wrong. I attach the simple code at the end. Please tell what the correct way to do it.
! Sparse representation of the matrix A
! | 1 -1 0 -3 0 |
! | -2 5 0 0 0 |
! A = | 0 0 4 6 4 |,
! | -4 0 2 7 0 |
! | 0 8 0 0 -5 |
info = mkl_sparse_z_export_csr (csrA, i, nrow, ncol, rows_start,rows_end,col_indx,csrA_value)
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Hello Dan,
Here is the example which should help to resolve incorrect behavior of mkl_sparse_z_export_csr by adding mkl_sparse_z_export_csr_cf interface which is using C_PTR.
Please let me know what you find out!
Best regards,
PROGRAM EXPORT_CSR USE MKL_SPBLAS USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE ! ***************************************************************************** ! Declare new interface using C_PTR: ! ***************************************************************************** INTERFACE FUNCTION MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR_CF(source,indexing,rows,cols,rows_start,rows_end,col_indx,values) & BIND(C, name='MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR') USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING , ONLY : C_INT, C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, C_PTR IMPORT SPARSE_MATRIX_T TYPE(SPARSE_MATRIX_T) , INTENT(IN) :: source INTEGER(C_INT), INTENT(INOUT) :: indexing INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: rows INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: cols TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: rows_start TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: rows_end TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: col_indx TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: values INTEGER(C_INT) MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR_CF END FUNCTION END INTERFACE ! ***************************************************************************** ! Sparse representation of the matrices A: ! ***************************************************************************** INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: csrColInd(:), csrRowPtr(:) COMPLEX*16, ALLOCATABLE :: csrVal(:) ! CSR matrix structure TYPE(SPARSE_MATRIX_T) csrA ! Variables used for exporting sparse matrix INTEGER :: nrows, ncols INTEGER(C_INT) :: indexing TYPE(C_PTR) :: rows_start_c, rows_end_c, col_indx_c, values_c INTEGER , POINTER :: rows_start_f(:), rows_end_f(:), col_indx_f(:) COMPLEX*16, POINTER :: values_f(:) ! ***************************************************************************** ! Declaration of local variables: ! ***************************************************************************** INTEGER M, N, NNZ, i, j, info M = 5 NNZ = 13 ALLOCATE(csrColInd(NNZ)) ALLOCATE(csrRowPtr(M+1)) ALLOCATE(csrVal(NNZ)) csrVal = (/ (1.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0), (-3.0, 0.0), (-2.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0), (4.0, 0.0), & (6.0, 0.0), (4.0, 0.0), (-4.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (7.0, 0.0), (8.0, 0.0), (-5.0, 0.0) /) csrColInd = (/ 0,1,3,0,1,2,3,4,0,2,3,1,4 /) csrRowPtr = (/ 0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 /) print*,'---------------------------------------------------' print*,'Input matrix A:' do i = 1, M print 100,'row #',i do j = csrRowPtr(i)+1, csrRowPtr(i+1) print*,csrColInd(j),csrVal(j) enddo enddo ! Create CSR matrix info = MKL_SPARSE_Z_CREATE_CSR(csrA,SPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO,M,M,csrRowPtr(1),csrRowPtr(2),csrColInd,csrVal) ! Export CSR matrix info = MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR_CF(csrA, indexing, nrows, ncols, rows_start_c, rows_end_c, col_indx_c, values_c) ! Converting C into Fortran pointers call C_F_POINTER(rows_start_c, rows_start_f, [nrows]) call C_F_POINTER(rows_end_c , rows_end_f , [nrows]) call C_F_POINTER(col_indx_c , col_indx_f , [rows_end_f(nrows)]) call C_F_POINTER(values_c , values_f , [rows_end_f(nrows)]) print*,'---------------------------------------------------' print *,'Output matrix A:' do i = 1, nrows print 100,'row #',i do j = rows_start_f(i)+1, rows_end_f(i) print*,col_indx_f(j),values_f(j) enddo enddo ! Release internal representation of CSR matrix info = MKL_SPARSE_DESTROY(csrA) print*,'---------------------------------------------------' 100 format(A,I2) END PROGRAM EXPORT_CSR
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Hello Dan,
Here is the example which should help to resolve incorrect behavior of mkl_sparse_z_export_csr by adding mkl_sparse_z_export_csr_cf interface which is using C_PTR.
Please let me know what you find out!
Best regards,
PROGRAM EXPORT_CSR USE MKL_SPBLAS USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE ! ***************************************************************************** ! Declare new interface using C_PTR: ! ***************************************************************************** INTERFACE FUNCTION MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR_CF(source,indexing,rows,cols,rows_start,rows_end,col_indx,values) & BIND(C, name='MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR') USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING , ONLY : C_INT, C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, C_PTR IMPORT SPARSE_MATRIX_T TYPE(SPARSE_MATRIX_T) , INTENT(IN) :: source INTEGER(C_INT), INTENT(INOUT) :: indexing INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: rows INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: cols TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: rows_start TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: rows_end TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: col_indx TYPE(C_PTR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: values INTEGER(C_INT) MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR_CF END FUNCTION END INTERFACE ! ***************************************************************************** ! Sparse representation of the matrices A: ! ***************************************************************************** INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: csrColInd(:), csrRowPtr(:) COMPLEX*16, ALLOCATABLE :: csrVal(:) ! CSR matrix structure TYPE(SPARSE_MATRIX_T) csrA ! Variables used for exporting sparse matrix INTEGER :: nrows, ncols INTEGER(C_INT) :: indexing TYPE(C_PTR) :: rows_start_c, rows_end_c, col_indx_c, values_c INTEGER , POINTER :: rows_start_f(:), rows_end_f(:), col_indx_f(:) COMPLEX*16, POINTER :: values_f(:) ! ***************************************************************************** ! Declaration of local variables: ! ***************************************************************************** INTEGER M, N, NNZ, i, j, info M = 5 NNZ = 13 ALLOCATE(csrColInd(NNZ)) ALLOCATE(csrRowPtr(M+1)) ALLOCATE(csrVal(NNZ)) csrVal = (/ (1.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0), (-3.0, 0.0), (-2.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0), (4.0, 0.0), & (6.0, 0.0), (4.0, 0.0), (-4.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (7.0, 0.0), (8.0, 0.0), (-5.0, 0.0) /) csrColInd = (/ 0,1,3,0,1,2,3,4,0,2,3,1,4 /) csrRowPtr = (/ 0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 /) print*,'---------------------------------------------------' print*,'Input matrix A:' do i = 1, M print 100,'row #',i do j = csrRowPtr(i)+1, csrRowPtr(i+1) print*,csrColInd(j),csrVal(j) enddo enddo ! Create CSR matrix info = MKL_SPARSE_Z_CREATE_CSR(csrA,SPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO,M,M,csrRowPtr(1),csrRowPtr(2),csrColInd,csrVal) ! Export CSR matrix info = MKL_SPARSE_Z_EXPORT_CSR_CF(csrA, indexing, nrows, ncols, rows_start_c, rows_end_c, col_indx_c, values_c) ! Converting C into Fortran pointers call C_F_POINTER(rows_start_c, rows_start_f, [nrows]) call C_F_POINTER(rows_end_c , rows_end_f , [nrows]) call C_F_POINTER(col_indx_c , col_indx_f , [rows_end_f(nrows)]) call C_F_POINTER(values_c , values_f , [rows_end_f(nrows)]) print*,'---------------------------------------------------' print *,'Output matrix A:' do i = 1, nrows print 100,'row #',i do j = rows_start_f(i)+1, rows_end_f(i) print*,col_indx_f(j),values_f(j) enddo enddo ! Release internal representation of CSR matrix info = MKL_SPARSE_DESTROY(csrA) print*,'---------------------------------------------------' 100 format(A,I2) END PROGRAM EXPORT_CSR
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Hi, Maria,
Thanks a lot. It works.
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