Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
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TBB's status with Operating System Vendors (OSVs)


This thread is intended to capture the current status of TBB with respect to operating system vendors. Read the thread to find the latest information as events unfold.


"Novell is pleased Intel has decided to open source Threading Building Blocks, and we expect more Linux developers to create open source and commercial applications that scale efficiently on Intel Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad processor-based platforms running SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE. We are jointly investigating how to make this product more easily accessible to our common developers." - Roger Levy, VP and GM, Open Platforms, Novell.

Red Flag Asianux

"We are glad to bundle Intel Threading Building Blocks v2.0 with our latest offering of Red Flag Asianux Server 3. By doing this, Red Flag Asianux Server 3 makes available an open source version of TBB to our customers that helps them quickly and easily add scalable multi-core parallelism to their applications that run on platforms of their choice. The result is faster creation of multi-core applications that run best on Red Flag Asianux Server 3 on Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Core 2 Quad processor based platforms." - Qin Xiahan, Product Manager of Red Flag Linux Software Co., Ltd.

Red Hat

"Intel's Threading Building Blocks should be considered by programmers looking to easily introduce parallelism in their C++ application. Those programmers who use this open standards offering will be in a great position to deliver high performing applications running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on Intel's multi-core platforms." - Paul Cormeir, EVP Engineering, Red Hat

Sun Microsystems:

"We commend Intel's commitment to C++ developers for easing the development of parallel applications. In addition, Sun applauds Intel's plan to support Intel Threading Building Blocks on the Solaris platform using the Sun Studio toolchain. In the future, we expect to see further collaboration between Sun and Intel in the area of multi-core development." - Don Kretsch, Sr. Director, Sun Developer Products and Programs


"Turbolinux is glad to announce to bundle Intel Threading Building Blocks v2.0 with its latest offering of Great Turbo Enterprise Server 11. By doing this, Turbolinux China demonstrates its commitment to facilitating open source and commercial software application development that is best for current and future multi-core platforms. This move also reflects the long term strategic relationship between Turbolinux China and Intel. It will be great news to Turbolinux's software developers community." - Frank Jiang, Marketing Manager, Turbolinux China

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3 Replies

TBB packages are currently available for Debian Linux (see my blog "Threading Building Blocks Debian Linux Packages").

TBB packages will also be available in the upcoming (late April) Ubuntu Hardy Heron release.

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Valued Contributor II
The latest commercial aligned release, TBB 2.0 Update 2, contains support for VS.NET 2008 on Microsoft Windows.
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Valued Contributor II
Shared library objects for TBB on Solaris were posted to the Intel Threading Building Blocks download site today.
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