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Dear Community!
I have trouble with my Lenovo Thinkcentre M920s. I bought it by second hand, and i want to try AMT features. The machine is didn't agree de default password, so i performed a AMT reset, and BIOS reset. Unfortunetly, the password is not resetted, or the defult password is no "admin". What can i do now?
Link kopiert
Hi yodee13,
We see that you are not able to reset the MEBx password, neither the default password works on a Lenovo laptop that was purchased second hand.
Please find the link for the article given below to reset the MEBx password.
Best Regards
Dear Arun_intel!
I've already removed the CMOS battery. After the reset everything is goes back to defaults, exept the MEBx password. I get "Incorrect password" fail.
Hi yodee13,
Glad to hear that you have followed the option 2 removing the CMOS battery.
We would request you to try the option 1, about running the sample scripts shared for resetting the MEBx password and share your observation with the screen shots.
Best Regards
Dear Arun_intel!
I've downloaded the "Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA) API Sample Scripts" tool and upcompressed it. I see many java and powershell scripts. But which is the one i need?
Dear Arun_intel!
I think i found the script that i need to use. "Get-IntelEMAEndpointMEBXPassword.ps1". But i haven't got EMA server. I want to use it direct on the PC. Is it possible?
Hi yodee13,
Sure, you can use the script on the PC and share your observation.
Best Regards
Dear Arun_intel!
I've decompressed the Get-IntelEMAEndpointMEBXPassword.ps1. Where i need to run the script? On the M920s or any PC on the local network? And what are the parameters of the script:
- emaServerURL
- EMA Server FQDN
- hostname
Get-IntelEMAEndpointMEBXPassword.ps1 -<emaServerURL> <EMA Server FQDN> -hostname <hostname> -Verbose
Hi yodee13,
For the Script to work you should have provisioned the endpoint by the current EMA instance, and the script has to be ran upon the Intel EMA Server.
You should also know the Tenant admin password, FQDN of the EMA instance, hostname of the PC, to customize this script as per your environment as it is a sample script.
Else you may have to contact the point of purchase for the password or for the information asked above.
Best Regards
Hi yodee13,
This means that you should have configured the Endpoint or the laptop under consideration with the Intel EMA ( Endpoint management assistant), so that we can run the script on the EMA server to reset the MEBx password.
For that, we have to contact the owner of the laptop or the point of purchase if this laptop has been configured with Intel EMA.
Else we would not be able to run the script.
And the Tenant Admin password is the one which we set during configuration of the EMA.
Else if EMA is not configured, we would request you to contact the Laptop Vendor/user Or the OEM for further assistance.
Best Regards
Dear Arun_intel!
So if I couldn't configure an EMA server, I cannot do anything?
Hi yodee13,
It would not be possible now, if the endpoint would have been provisioned before, then the script would have been helpful now.
We would request you to contact your point of purchase or the OEM for further assistance.
Best Regards
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