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3335 Discussions

Clock in Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY



I have been trying unsuccessfully for several days to run 10G with Link-Training and FEC in Arria V GZ.

Why 10GBASE-KR PHY have such a useless description? 

It is completely unclear how it should be clocking. I can not find a example of a project with this megafunction in wiki. 

I don’t understand how to clock the ports xgmi_tx_clock and xgmi_rx_clock. Why both clk are input?

I tried to generate 156.25 Mhz with PLL from ref_clk and apply to these ports, but I got a slacks between the frequencies of the PLL and clk33pcs. Please, send me any project with this megafunction so that I have at least some idea of how to connect it.

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