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Intel RealSense R200 cam DCM file cannot be downloaded

7.816 Vistas

Hello my friends,

I bought an Intel RealSense R200 3d cam. My computer can read the camera.

But the problem is. I cannot instal DEPTH CAMERA MANAGER. when I try to install it, it says this update is not designed to this system.

My PC:


Windows 10 64bit

Processor: Intel core i7 6th generation

Ram: 8GB

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41 Respuestas
1.640 Vistas

Dear MartyG,

This is the link that you want for log info:

And this is my system info: File sharing and storage made simple

And could you please tell me can firmware be repaired?

and can I fix it by my self?

and just to know I bought this camera from amazon website and I don't know if I can send it back to intel company.

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

The log that you kindly provided says that the processor on your new PC is a 6th generation Intel Core i7-6500U CPU. This should be totally fine for an R200. It could even run the newer SR300 camera. so the problems you are having are unlikely to be related to the processor.

You would have to return the camera to who you bought it from. I am guessing that if you bought it from Amazon, it was sold by a seller on Amazon and you would have to contact that shop about a return, as Amazon are only responsible for delivering (known as 'fulfilling') items that are sold by shops on their site. Intel would not have to take the camera back, as it was not bought from their store.

Usually, firmware can be updated by running the driver download that I linked to on the RealSense SDK download page.

You can also force an R200 firmware update to take place using the instructions here:

1.640 Vistas

I can't find the firmware download link that you have linked to your comment

could you please send the download link to me please

and remember i have intel realsense R200

1.640 Vistas

and dear MartyG you can control my pc to look closer what is going on if you wish.

we can use team viewer.

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

I never use remote control of PCs with programs such as TeamViewer, as I do not want to risk breaking someone's PC.

The download is on this page. Intel® RealSense™ SDK | Intel® Software

1.640 Vistas

This is not frimware, this is DCM file, is not it?

I want to download firmware file alone

and the only download file in your link is this like the image below

and it is for F200 mine is R200

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

You have gone too far down the page. The bit you quoted is at the bottom of the page. The R200 download is near the top of the page.

And the DCM file contains both the firmware file and the camera driver files.

If you only want to install the firmware driver then you should use the firmware update instructions I linked you to.

1.640 Vistas

The problem is I cannot install the DCM file, and you say firmware is inside it. I really don't know what to do it is very complex.

is there anything else to do. I am very tired with this.

and why is that a problem to remote someone's pc? it is very helpful and you can use mine. I think it is the only solution because I can't show you the my situation exactly.

once again I want to remind you what I have done:

1- plug the cam in

2-the 3 files of R200 were automatically installed into my pc. and I can see it in my pc manager

4-intel realsense sdk can be installed without any problem.

5-intel realsense dcm cannot be installed.

1.640 Vistas

This file is all I got for my firmware, and remember I cannot install the DCM file

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

I do really understand your frustration.

If you cannot use the DCM then you can type an instruction into your computer's command line' interface to make the firmware do an update with the FWUpdateR200.exe file. This is explained in the instructions that I linked to, which have a link to this page How to force update the RealSense R200 firmware · GitHub

I do not do remote control repairs because (a) I do not want to further break the user's PC and have the responsibility for that; and (b) I do not work for Intel. You should not be granting remote access to your PC unless you are certain that the person works in the technical support department of a large company such as Intel or Microsoft. Otherwise you risk a person damaging your computer or planting a virus to steal data and financial details.

Members of Intel's support department should be reading the forums soon today as their shift begins and replying to messages if you would like to seek their advice.

1.640 Vistas

I appreciate your hard work thank you.

and this is the problem. it says"install the dcm/sdk" after that I can find the FWUpgrade.exe file

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

Thank you for your understanding.

The camera cannot work unless you have installed the DCM for the R200 on your computer, because it installs the firmware driver and then the RGB video and depth scan drivers for the camera. If you only have the firmware driver installed then the camera will not work.

Installing the DCM for the first time puts the FWUpdate file on your computer, so that you can then update the firmware after that without using the DCM. But you must have first installed the DCM on the computer at least one time.

So it seems you are stuck, because you cannot install the camera's RGB and depth drivers until the firmware driver has first been successfully installed. And you cannot update the firmware with FWUpdate until the DCM has been installed successfully.

Another method we can try is for you to try installing the previous version of the R200 DCM, which is version Intel do not list this DCM for download any more but I was able to get the download link for it because I have mentioned it on this forum before.

1.640 Vistas

still have the same problem.

is there any older version?

and one think that I want to point.

I can't even find the location of FWUpgrade.exe in my pc.

look at the image. I cant find that file which is in two brackets like this { }. and I don't know if it exists in my pc

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

Could you give me a link to the Amazon page where you purchased the camera from please? I would like to look at the camera and who was selling it.

1.640 Vistas
Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

It looks like a very reputable seller, this DigitalShopper company that sold it through Amazon. It seems that you can file a claim with Amazon to return the camera to the seller if you wish by using this page. Doing this requests an authorization for the return from the seller. - Returns Center

you can also telephone DigitalShopper's customer support department on 1-800-333-2555

1.640 Vistas

I have to contact the company that bought it for me. ok I try to return it. and thank you very much for your hard work. and for the next time I have to buy it from the original website of intel.

Thank you again. and may be I will be back this soon

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.640 Vistas

Thank you very much, and I am sorry we could not find a solution that would prevent you having to return it. You are welcome back here any time. Good luck!

1.640 Vistas

you are welcome. One last think that I am confuse about.

I have this file in my system like the image.

If we look closely it has been written FWUpgrade in the final destination of the file

It might indicate that I have FWUpgrade in my system.

What do you think?

Colaborador Distinguido III
1.597 Vistas

It looks as though it may just be a folder that is named FWUpdate, rather than the FWUpdate exe file. If you want to search for it though, I did a guide for searching the Temp folders for the firmware folder a while back.

1.597 Vistas

For anyone else ending up here....

Try to uninstall Realsense SDK with add remove programs first then try deleting the folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\RSSDK and try install again
