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3335 Discussions

Intel RealSense => Send face data over network and add to another database.


- I'm using SR300 camera and 2016 R2 SDK. Please help me to answer the question:

1) Is there a way to get face data from database, change userid, send to another computer and then add to the database of the destination computer.

2) How to save only one face to a file and then compare it with a face database to check whether the face is exists in the database or not.

Sorry about my English. Please help me. Thanks.

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1 Reply

Hello Qui_Nguyen,



Thanks for contacting Intel customer service.



Intel has not tested or validated this use for our devices. This means that there is no official information regarding how to do it and we do not know if this will work, however as a best effort I have found some information that might become handy for you.



Please be aware that the face database is difficult to work with and does not work flawlessly. The face recognition is an Alpha feature in the SDK and it is not expected to work well. This information can be found on the SDK release notes.



Here is an example code for face recognition:



Also you can use the face recognition sample code in the SDK.



People find it hard to get it to work when everything is on the same computer.



Hope this information helps.



Best Regards,


Juan N.
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