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Intelrealsense R200 compatibility with FaceStudio ?


Hello to everyone,

someone knows if this cam : Intel® RealSense™ Developer Kit for Tablets R200

is compatible with this application : Introduction — faceshift studio 2015.2 2015.2.00 documentation

or with a similar application ? thanks.

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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

Developers have managed to use RealSense with Faceshift as recently as last year using an SR-300 camera, but it is not straightforward. They reported that Faceshift version 2015.2 worked with SR-300 cameras if they install the latest SR-300 camera drivers BUT they should not install the latest RealSense SDK. Instead, they should use the old 2014 SDK ( Previous Intel® RealSense™ Install Software | Intel® Software

Of course, this is only useful to developers with an SR-300 camera. I post this here mainly for others who may need the information.

I managed to dig up an Intel video on YouTube of Faceshift being used with RealSense. Faceshift powered by Intel Realsense™: Be your Avatar - YouTube

In your case, in which you want to use the R200 camera with Faceshift Studio 2015.2, sadly I was not able to find any occasion during my deep research into your question in which R200 had been used with Faceshift.

Whilst it may not be exactly what you are looking for, there is body scanning software for generating avatars that is reported to work with R200. It is called Uraniom. Affordance at the Game Developers Conference 2016 in San Francisco | Affordance Studio

Edit: I forgot to mention that you can also create a camera-controlled face in the Unity game engine using the face tracking feature. This should work with R200, since it has face tracking. Here's an old video from July 2016 of my project's avatar (which is infinitely more advanced now in the present day) using its camera controlled face (starts at 0.57 seconds in the video). Tech trailer # 1 for 'My Father's Face', a RealSense-powered PC game - YouTube

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Developers have managed to use RealSense with Faceshift as recently as last year using an SR-300 camera, but it is not straightforward. They reported that Faceshift version 2015.2 worked with SR-300 cameras if they install the latest SR-300 camera drivers BUT they should not install the latest RealSense SDK. Instead, they should use the old 2014 SDK ( Previous Intel® RealSense™ Install Software | Intel® Software

Of course, this is only useful to developers with an SR-300 camera. I post this here mainly for others who may need the information.

I managed to dig up an Intel video on YouTube of Faceshift being used with RealSense. Faceshift powered by Intel Realsense™: Be your Avatar - YouTube

In your case, in which you want to use the R200 camera with Faceshift Studio 2015.2, sadly I was not able to find any occasion during my deep research into your question in which R200 had been used with Faceshift.

Whilst it may not be exactly what you are looking for, there is body scanning software for generating avatars that is reported to work with R200. It is called Uraniom. Affordance at the Game Developers Conference 2016 in San Francisco | Affordance Studio

Edit: I forgot to mention that you can also create a camera-controlled face in the Unity game engine using the face tracking feature. This should work with R200, since it has face tracking. Here's an old video from July 2016 of my project's avatar (which is infinitely more advanced now in the present day) using its camera controlled face (starts at 0.57 seconds in the video). Tech trailer # 1 for 'My Father's Face', a RealSense-powered PC game - YouTube

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Hello,thanks for the useful reply. I don't use Unity. I'm interested to know if you know a tutorial about how to create a camera controlled face using Blender and the R200,thanks.

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Honored Contributor III

This article with a code sample looks useful. Intel® RealSense™ SDK-Based Real-Time Face Tracking and Animation | Intel® Software

I am guessing that you would build a model of a face in Blender and add animation rigging and bones to it inside Blender. Then use the Blender model file with the code sample to control the bone points in the model and move the facial features.

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wait,wait. If you read here : Affordance at the Game Developers Conference 2016 in San Francisco | Affordance Studio

it says : "Combined with the Uraniom technology, the RealSense R200 can transform your 3D body scan into an avatar for any video game"

also,in the video tutorial that you see after the installation of Uraniom,you see that he uses the 3d scanner to make the avatar of the person. But,it is also true that Uranion asks to you to upload the 3D files of the scan. It skips the part where it explains how to produce them using the R200. So,I don't know how to scan my body and face using the R200...

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Honored Contributor III

This article should help you. Intel® RealSense™ 3D Scanning Tips and Tricks | Intel® Software

At the bottom of this article is a link to a guide for converting the OBJ model file created by the camera into a PLY file to import into Blender.

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MartyG or Jersus Garca,

In the SDK2016 R3 release notice there is a link to the 2016R2 Runtime and DCM for R200, but NOT the actual 2016R2 SDK and examples for R200

Please post the link


Frank Engelman

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Hi Frank,



Could you please provide some more details about what you tell us on your last post? If you could provide links to the web/documents you're referring to that would be great.





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