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Room scan of R200


Hey, guys



I am an engineer working in real estate information service (suumo) in Japan





I am looking for ways to convert housing information to 3DObject


I tried matterport, it was good, but I am looking for cheaper one because it is expensive


In Japan, it is difficult to make data from CAD because 3D Cad data is also small



If someone has scanned the room using R200, please let me know


Also, please let me know about recommended videos, information



thank you for reading
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor III

3D scanning of a room with RealSense was demonstrated by Intel in 2015. Intel RealSense a project Tango demo IDF 2015 - YouTube

The demonstrator is scanning the room with a smartphone version of RealSense. This hardware was cancelled before it got a full release. A developer-kit camera for the type of camera the smartphone used, the ZR300, is still going to be released as far as I know (it was due out December 2016 but is running late).

Scanning a room with the R200 may be possible but a bit more difficult. As the R200 has a scan range of around 4 m, if it is in a stationary position then it may not be able to reach to every wall unless carried around like the demonstrator in the video was with his smartphone.

Some people have attached RealSense to a drone to perform scanning. The R200 is used on Intel drone kits such as Intel Aero.

I researched 3D scanning with RealSense on a drone. An Intel staff member said that 3D scanning with a drone had not been tested on the drone's Intel Aero Compute Board (the drone's onboard computer board) at the time that they wrote their message in November 2016, but "You can attempt to accomplish this with the Point Cloud Library (PCL) but we have not experimented with this ... PCL has some support for RealSense, including some open Pull Requests to deal with integrating support for librealsense" (the open-source version of RealSense SDK software).

RealSense veteran developer Samontab had also recommended using a point cloud with the R200 to scan beyond its 4 m range without a drone (e.g holding the camera in your hand).

Librealsense: GitHub - IntelRealSense/librealsense: Cross-platform camera capture for Intel® RealSense™ F200, SR300 and R200

Creating a point cloud with Librealsense: RealSense - Using LibRealSense and PCL to Create Point Cloud Data | Intel® Software

Intel Ready To Fly drone kit: Preview of the Intel® Aero Ready to Fly Drone - YouTube

I hope some of this helps!

Honored Contributor III

The ZR-300 kit has just been added to the Intel store for pre-order if you are interested, with an updated release date of February 28 2017. Intel® RealSense™ Development Kit Featuring the ZR300 - Intel® RealSense™ Developer Kits

There is not a list of the countries it will ship to yet, but all of Intel's other cameras can be shipped to Japan, so I do not predict a problem.


Great! MartyG

Thanks for the good news.

If you know, please let me know three.

Can ZR300 be used standalone?

Does not PC need to shoot with ZR 300?

Looking at the videos that have been taught, ProjectTango (Phab 2 Pro) and ZR 300 seem to have little performance difference.

Videos are going to be in 2015, so now is the performance going up?

I want to see what the product version is running...

Which is better for R200 and ZR300 if you look at the performance to scan the room?

If R200 is better, I'm thinking to put it in a backpack and shoot with a camera if it is a laptop computer.

I would be happy if you let me know if you understand!

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Honored Contributor III

The smartphone developer kit the camera was originally in - which was a Project Tango phone - was standalone. The ZR-300 kit in the store would likely need to be connected to a device of some sort.

Looking at the camera kit's casing in the store, I would guess that it uses the same mounting method as the R200 (a magnetic plate on the back with an adhesive strip so you can attach it to the back of a device for outdoor use). So I would speculate that it could be attached to the back of a Windows tablet with a USB 3.0 port.

Interestingly, it has multiple camera support (previously, you could not use more than one RealSense camera at the same time on a PC unless using the Librealsense SDK). This would open the possibility of 360 degree model scans by arranging more than one camera in a circle. It would also make viable a 360 degree view on drones, like the one with six R200 cameras atop a drone that Intel demonstrated in 2015.

The Alloy headset is fully wireless, as it has a full PC in it, inside-out tracking and a field of view equal to Vive and Oculus. In addition, it has an onboard GPU chip and 7th generation Kaby Lake CPU. It is expected to be manufactured sometime in Q4 2017 (October to December). Like the RealSense cameras are manufactured by Creative on behalf of Intel, the Alloy headset will be manufactured by several companies who will make their own version of the reference design.

ZR300 will undoubtedly have superior performance to R200, as it has the latest camera technology and features that the R200 does not. The store listing says that it has a high resolution depth camera and a motion tracking module.

I once had the laptop in a backpack idea myself, with the plan to use a tablet to record live video and transmit it over a wireless internet connection to a full PC back at base so that the PC could process that data. Whilst I never actually carried out that idea in practice, I believe it's very viable.

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Thank you very much!

It was a very understandable explanation.

I think I will try ZR 300!

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Honored Contributor III

Great! Please feel free to return to this forum to ask questions about RealSense whenever you need to. Good luck!

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