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3335 Discussions

SR300 not working with Asus laptop



In the camera SDK Capture View there 3 streams: RGB, IR, Depth.


When I select Depth or IR stream the camera's led tuns off with error 301. Sometimes it works for 10 sec before turning off.


System Configuration:

- SR300: Model No FV0810, PN 06VF081000003 Rev B, 12/2016


- Laptop: Asus K501UX Ci-6500U


- OS: win7=>win10 (1511 Threshold 2 Nov Update Nov 10, 2015 October 10, 2017 N/A 10586 10586)


Updated to 1703 Redstone 2 Creators Update April 5, 2017 September 2018 N/A 15063 15063

- Driver: intel_rs_dcm_sr300_3.3.27.5718.exe

- SDK (tried several):

RealSense_SDK_2016_R3 - intel_rs_sdk_mw_core_offline_11.0.27.1384.exe

RealSense_SDK_2016_R2 - intel_rs_sdk_offline_package_10.0.26.0396.exe

RealSense_SDK_2014 - intel_rs_sdk_offline_4.0.0.112526.exe

To filter out a potential underpowered USB problem I connected camera to USB via one of the following:


- native SR300 cable


- micro USB 3 to Y (two USB connectors)


- powered USB hub TP-Link UH 720

I connected SR300 to a desktop and it works ok with native cable and without any fiddling with drivers.


But stops working on my laptop..

RGB stream works well but the camera switches off as soon as turn on IR or Depth streams.

I saw multiple posts on the SR300 problems and have tried most of the suggested fixes but with no success.

And I wonder if there is a reliable method to identify the source of SR300 problem with a particular Soft/Hardware configuration?

Thank you,


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7 Replies
Honored Contributor III

If the camera is cutting out when using depth or IR modes then I would normally suspect a USB power issue, since the camera laser's power demands can increase in those modes and trigger any vulnerabilities in stability that are present. However, you stated that you had already tried a powered USB hub, which is usually an instant fix for such situations.

I note from your system information that your laptop has updated to the Creators Update that has been causing problems with some (but not all) SR300 cameras. Hence cameras can work on some PCs with the Creators Update but not others. Statistically, there do seem to be a greater number of reports involving this issue occurring with laptops.

I also note that you have tried Intel's most recent suggestion of using the v3.3.27.5718 version of the SR300 DCM program.

The fact that the camera does have some functionality (e.g working for up to 10 seconds) would seem to indicate that a problem with the RealSense RGB, Depth and Virtual drivers is unlikely.

Regarding the SDKs you tried: the 2014 SDK would not work with the SR300, as it is a newer camera and support for it was not introduced until the later '2016 R1' SDK. It normally works with the '2016 R2' and '2016 R3' SDKS though, except when problems occur such as the Creators Update issue or USB power problems.

There was a very similar case to yours 9 days ago from a laptop user with a SR300 who had disconnection when the depth mode was activated, and they got a 301 error. In their case, a powered USB hub fixed the problem.

0 Kudos

MartyG, thank you for your comment!


You provided most of useful advises for RS300 issues in this forum. And sometime your advice save a day for RS300 owners )

I agree that it looks like a USB power problem. But after several days of struggling I'm running out of ideas of how to fix it.


Camera connected to laptop with or without a powered USB3 hub behaves the similar way - depth stream works for couple of seconds before the camera get disconnected. So the hardware solution can't help in my case and I keep looking for a software fix.

(BWT, one of the official Intel's comment is that RS300 is not designed to work with USB hubs).


I need RS300 to be working on a laptop and I bought one that 100% meets Intel requirements for RS300 compatibility.


Perhaps the problem is with the particular ASUS model but what is the criteria for choosing a RS300 compatible laptop?


And if the problem is in Win10 then changing computers is not a solution.


In your reply to the case /message/490244# 490244 Depth not working on SR300, Windows 10 builds 14393 and still on Creator update 15063" you have mentioned that it looks like the camera malfunction has been fixed in Windows build 14393 and then came back with the Creators Update build 15063. I just realized that RS300 has been duly working on my desktop, when I tested it several months ago, because it was Win 10 before the Creators build.. (Don't have access to it now and thus can't test it again).



So I'm going to downgrade Win10 to Anniversary Update and see how is it working.

I wonder if Intel tech guys can provide qualified support for their technology? The RS300 malfunction cases circulating in this form for months but still there is no a reliable solution nor a method to diagnose the source of problem - just suggestions to blind fire.


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

Thanks for your kind words!

The 'no hubs' rule was in RealSense's original spec in 2014 and refers to unpowered passive hubs. It was written before it was discovered how much of a difference mains powered hubs make. The discovery was made when a user cut open the camera's USB cable and spliced a 5v power lead into it.

The best way to choose a good laptop for SR300 may be to find out what works for others on this forum. I use an Acer Aspire E51 laptop, for example.

Let us know how you get on with Anniversary please. Good luck!

0 Kudos

Hello Anton,



I was wondering if you tried the downgrade to the Anniversary Update.



If you have another question, don't hesitate to contact us.



I'll be waiting for your response



Have a nice day.





Andres V.
0 Kudos

Hi Andres, thanks for asking. But I would appreciate if you have come up with a solution )

Yes I have resolved the problem and make the SR300 working with the laptop.

The funny thing is that it works without a powered hub or USB3-to-Y cable for extra power. Just plugged it in a USB3 port of my laptop.

After several days of upgrading/downgrading Windows, drivers and SDK I can't tell what exactly the solution it was.


The winning combination:
  • win10 1703 build 115063
  • depth driver - 9/22/2016 ver
  • rgb driver - 6/21/2006 ver 10.0.15063.447
  • virtusl driver - 6/8/2006 ver
  • usb device RealSence Camera - 6/21/206 ver 10.0.15063.0
  • micro USB3 cable, provided with the camera
  • DCM - intel_rs_dcm_sr300_3.3.27.5718.exe
  • SDK - intel_rs_sdk_offline_package_10.0.26.0396.exe

As soon as the camera stars operating correctly in the SDK I have downgraded SDK to intel_rs_sdk_offline_4.0.0.112526.exe. (And it kept working).

It's a great news for Faceshift users - it's proved that SR300 can be used with Faceshift.



0 Kudos

Hello Anton,



I'm glad to hear that you found a solution to the issue.



Thank you for sharing your experience, the community really appreciates it.



Have a nice day.





Andres V.
0 Kudos

Hey Anton,

I've got the same driver setup as your "winning combination" (SR300) but I still cant get it to work with Faceshift. It works with the SDK.

May I ask what version of Faceshift you have ?

I have version 1.3.01, I have a suspicion that I require v2 (i.e. 2015.2), but I can't seem to update my version as when I check for updates within Faceshift it can not contact the server.

Thanks for your time.



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