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what causes error 0x8007007e

New Contributor I

I had some version conflicts (didnt knew about a new sdk).


And i made sure all my files are now related to a previous SDK.

That might sound strange but, the demos in the previous SDK do work, and i wont require much more ( i only needed to see how things where handled).


My main project is to write a wrapper for a series of camera's of various brands for our software. ( realsense is just one of them).


So i copied the dll's from the sdk to a lib folder (Intel.RealSense.dll and realsense2.dll ) and also intel.RealSense.pdb


Then referenced Intel.RealSense.dll

Checked compiler settings (CPU type, and .net version ), compiled the code press run 'realses2':

Unable to load DDL 'realsense2' the specified module could not be found (Exception from Hresult:0x8007007E ) 

(while its just there ??), i cleaned the compile, recompiled no effect.

I also dragged the realsense2.dll from the lib folder over vs2017's project so it becomes also in that way part of the solution.

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9 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I recognized that error. I believe it is generated by Visual Studio. Somebody in the past encountered it when working with the older '2016 R3' SDK.

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New Contributor I

well it work in the sdk and it doesnt work in another solution, so its not related to R3. I'm guessing its some non obvious project setting.

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Honored Contributor III

What both that case and yours have in common is in the copying of the DLL library files.

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New Contributor I

What seams to be the cause is how the realsense2.dll behaves inside a project.


My project deals with a general camera wrapper, this wrapper can be compiled to debug or final versions.


The main application is using camrea's from the wrapper, the realsense2.dll though causes some problems.


Not completely pinpointed it, but compiling the wrapper as final, gave another error as when i did it in debug.


So I assume the .dll's are specific for debug and final, and cannot be used as general .dll's in a lib folder. (strange?).


copying dll files from the debug over the debug in the compiled folder (not the lib folder) seams to work for debug mode.


I'm curious of why a most common practice of using lib folders wont work for a .net solutions with a Realsense

(the dragging of realsense.dll into the project like in the sdk example, perhaps sticks to a specific compiler version, maybe).

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Honored Contributor III

In the SDK folder, you can find pre-made versions of the DLLs in the Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 > bin > x64 folder. In a case recently, a user who was having trouble getting DLLs they had compiled in Visual Studio to work in Unity was able to get it working just by dragging and dropping the pre-made DLLs into the Unity plugins folder. This avoided the complex DLL compilation process in the Unity wrapper's instructions.

Edit: another person has had success with this drag-and-drop technique, indicating that it seems to be the way to go for Windows users.

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New Contributor I

that might be a workaround, but i would rather know why a normal lib construction wont work.


not seen this before with other exotic hardware
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Honored Contributor III

Yes, it would be ideal if users could consistently compile the DLLs themselves for use in Unity. It may be worth creating a beginners tutorial for Unity setup in SDK 2.0, as the current instructions assume that the user has knowledge of how to build files with CMake and Visual Studio.

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New Contributor I

FYI I'm not using unity, and i dont want to compile the dll, normally in a project one refers to external dll's placed in a lib folder and thats about it, no over copying towards compiling folders.

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Hello Peter,

Thank you for your interest in the Intel® RealSense™ Technology.

One way to handle this is to open in Visual Studio one of the SDK sample projects that most closely matches what you are trying to do and copy exactly the Project Properties to your own project. Pay special attention the include dirs, linked libraries, etc.


Best regards,





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