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I am developing a sample application for overlaying four NV12 streams of different resolution. For this I am modifying simple_4_vpp_resize_denoise application present in mediasdk-tutorials-0.0.3 and I have followed the procedure as specified in https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/video-composition-using-intel-media-sdk. I am using Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770R CPU @ 3.20GHz, which has Iris Pro Graphics 5200, Linux OS 3.10.0-, Media Server Studio Essentials 2015 R6 API version 1.16 for my development.
The application works fine if the input streams are of same resolution i.e. 1920x1080 with the below parameters:
#define NUM_STREAMS 4
#define STREAM_FILE_ONE "test1.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_ONE 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_ONE 1920
#define CROPH_ONE 1080
#define CROPW_ONE 1920
#define CROPX_ONE 0
#define CROPY_ONE 0
#define DESTX_ONE 0
#define DESTY_ONE 0
#define DESTH_ONE 720
#define DESTW_ONE 1280
#define ALPHA_ONE 255
#define STREAM_FILE_TWO "test2.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_TWO 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_TWO 1920
#define CROPH_TWO 1080
#define CROPW_TWO 1920
#define CROPX_TWO 0
#define CROPY_TWO 0
#define DESTX_TWO 0
#define DESTY_TWO 0
#define DESTH_TWO 270
#define DESTW_TWO 480
#define ALPHA_TWO 128
#define STREAM_FILE_THREE "test3.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_THREE 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_THREE 1920
#define CROPH_THREE 1080
#define CROPW_THREE 1920
#define CROPX_THREE 0
#define CROPY_THREE 0
#define DESTX_THREE 500
#define DESTY_THREE 0
#define DESTH_THREE 270
#define DESTW_THREE 480
#define ALPHA_THREE 200
#define STREAM_FILE_FOUR "test4.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_FOUR 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_FOUR 1920
#define CROPH_FOUR 1080
#define CROPW_FOUR 1920
#define CROPX_FOUR 0
#define CROPY_FOUR 0
#define DESTX_FOUR 100
#define DESTY_FOUR 300
#define DESTH_FOUR 270
#define DESTW_FOUR 480
#define ALPHA_FOUR 256
#define STREAM_FILE_OUT "out.yuv"
#define VPP_OUT_HEIGHT 720
#define VPP_OUT_WIDTH 1280
#define VPP_IN_HEIGHT 1080
#define VPP_IN_WIDTH 1920
and I get the below output:
Now I change stream3 to 960x540 and accordingly I modify my parameters also as below:
#define NUM_STREAMS 4
#define STREAM_FILE_ONE "test1.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_ONE 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_ONE 1920
#define CROPH_ONE 1080
#define CROPW_ONE 1920
#define CROPX_ONE 0
#define CROPY_ONE 0
#define DESTX_ONE 0
#define DESTY_ONE 0
#define DESTH_ONE 720
#define DESTW_ONE 1280
#define ALPHA_ONE 255
#define STREAM_FILE_TWO "test2.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_TWO 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_TWO 1920
#define CROPH_TWO 1080
#define CROPW_TWO 1920
#define CROPX_TWO 0
#define CROPY_TWO 0
#define DESTX_TWO 0
#define DESTY_TWO 0
#define DESTH_TWO 270
#define DESTW_TWO 480
#define ALPHA_TWO 128
#define STREAM_FILE_THREE "test3.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_THREE 540
#define IN_WIDTH_THREE 960
#define CROPH_THREE 540
#define CROPW_THREE 960
#define CROPX_THREE 0
#define CROPY_THREE 0
#define DESTX_THREE 500
#define DESTY_THREE 0
#define DESTH_THREE 270
#define DESTW_THREE 480
#define ALPHA_THREE 200
#define STREAM_FILE_FOUR "test4.yuv"
#define IN_HEIGHT_FOUR 1080
#define IN_WIDTH_FOUR 1920
#define CROPH_FOUR 1080
#define CROPW_FOUR 1920
#define CROPX_FOUR 0
#define CROPY_FOUR 0
#define DESTX_FOUR 100
#define DESTY_FOUR 300
#define DESTH_FOUR 270
#define DESTW_FOUR 480
#define ALPHA_FOUR 255
#define STREAM_FILE_OUT "out.yuv"
#define VPP_OUT_HEIGHT 720
#define VPP_OUT_WIDTH 1280
#define VPP_IN_HEIGHT 1920
#define VPP_IN_WIDTH 1080
With this I get the output as:
I have done these changes in my application:
1. VPP Parameters change for the largest stream:
// Input data
VPPParams.vpp.In.FourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
VPPParams.vpp.In.ChromaFormat = MFX_CHROMAFORMAT_YUV420;
VPPParams.vpp.In.CropX = 0;
VPPParams.vpp.In.CropY = 0;
VPPParams.vpp.In.CropW = VPP_IN_WIDTH;
VPPParams.vpp.In.CropH = VPP_IN_HEIGHT;
VPPParams.vpp.In.FrameRateExtN = 30;
VPPParams.vpp.In.FrameRateExtD = 1;
// width must be a multiple of 16
// height must be a multiple of 16
// in case of frame picture and a multiple
// of 32 in case of field picture
VPPParams.vpp.In.Width = MSDK_ALIGN16(VPP_IN_WIDTH);
VPPParams.vpp.In.Height =
// Output data
VPPParams.vpp.Out.FourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.ChromaFormat = MFX_CHROMAFORMAT_YUV420;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.CropX = 0;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.CropY = 0;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.CropW = VPP_OUT_WIDTH;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.CropH = VPP_OUT_HEIGHT;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.FrameRateExtN = 30;
VPPParams.vpp.Out.FrameRateExtD = 1;
// width must be a multiple of 16
// height must be a multiple of 16 in case of frame
// picture and a multiple of 32 in case of field picture
VPPParams.vpp.Out.Width = MSDK_ALIGN16(VPP_OUT_WIDTH);
VPPParams.vpp.Out.Height =
(MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE == VPPParams.vpp.Out.PicStruct) ?
2. mfxFrameInfo structure for input streams:
mfxFrameInfo inputStreams[NUM_STREAMS];
/** Fill frame params in mFrameInfo structures
* with the above parameters **/
for (mfxU16 i = 0; i < NUM_STREAMS; i++){
memcpy(&inputStreams,&(VPPParams.vpp.In), sizeof(mfxFrameInfo));
inputStreams[0].Width = IN_WIDTH_ONE;
inputStreams[0].Height = IN_HEIGHT_ONE;
inputStreams[0].CropX = CROPX_ONE;
inputStreams[0].CropY = CROPY_ONE;
inputStreams[0].CropW = CROPW_ONE;
inputStreams[0].CropH = CROPH_ONE;
inputStreams[1].Width = IN_WIDTH_TWO;
inputStreams[1].Height = IN_HEIGHT_TWO;
inputStreams[1].CropX = CROPX_TWO;
inputStreams[1].CropY = CROPY_TWO;
inputStreams[1].CropW = CROPW_TWO;
inputStreams[1].CropH = CROPH_TWO;
inputStreams[2].Width = IN_WIDTH_THREE;
inputStreams[2].Height = IN_HEIGHT_THREE;
inputStreams[2].CropX = CROPX_THREE;
inputStreams[2].CropY = CROPY_THREE;
inputStreams[2].CropW = DESTW_THREE;
inputStreams[2].CropH = DESTH_THREE;
inputStreams[3].Width = IN_WIDTH_FOUR;
inputStreams[3].Height = IN_HEIGHT_FOUR;
inputStreams[3].CropX = CROPX_FOUR;
inputStreams[3].CropY = CROPY_FOUR;
inputStreams[3].CropW = CROPW_FOUR;
inputStreams[3].CropH = CROPH_FOUR;
3. Initializing Composite extended buffer:
mfxExtVPPComposite composite;
memset(&composite, 0, sizeof(composite));
composite.Header.BufferId = MFX_EXTBUFF_VPP_COMPOSITE;
composite.Header.BufferSz = sizeof(mfxExtVPPComposite);
composite.NumInputStream = NUM_STREAMS;
composite.Y = 10;
composite.U = 80;
composite.V = 80;
composite.InputStream = new mfxVPPCompInputStream[NUM_STREAMS];
memset(composite.InputStream, 0, sizeof(mfxVPPCompInputStream) * NUM_STREAMS);
composite.InputStream[0].DstX = (mfxU32)DESTX_ONE;
composite.InputStream[0].DstY = (mfxU32)DESTY_ONE;
composite.InputStream[0].DstW = (mfxU32)DESTW_ONE;
composite.InputStream[0].DstH = (mfxU32)DESTH_ONE;
composite.InputStream[0].GlobalAlphaEnable = 1;
composite.InputStream[0].GlobalAlpha = ALPHA_ONE;
composite.InputStream[1].DstX = (mfxU32)DESTX_TWO;
composite.InputStream[1].DstY = (mfxU32)DESTY_TWO;
composite.InputStream[1].DstW = (mfxU32)DESTW_TWO;
composite.InputStream[1].DstH = (mfxU32)DESTH_TWO;
composite.InputStream[1].GlobalAlphaEnable = 1;
composite.InputStream[1].GlobalAlpha = ALPHA_TWO;
composite.InputStream[2].DstX = (mfxU32)DESTX_THREE;
composite.InputStream[2].DstY = (mfxU32)DESTY_THREE;
composite.InputStream[2].DstW = (mfxU32)DESTW_THREE;
composite.InputStream[2].DstH = (mfxU32)DESTH_THREE;
composite.InputStream[2].GlobalAlphaEnable = 1;
composite.InputStream[2].GlobalAlpha = ALPHA_THREE;
composite.InputStream[3].DstX = (mfxU32)DESTX_FOUR;
composite.InputStream[3].DstY = (mfxU32)DESTY_FOUR;
composite.InputStream[3].DstW = (mfxU32)DESTW_FOUR;
composite.InputStream[3].DstH = (mfxU32)DESTH_FOUR;
composite.InputStream[3].GlobalAlphaEnable = 1;
composite.InputStream[3].GlobalAlpha = ALPHA_FOUR;
// Add extended VPP buffers
mfxExtBuffer* ExtBuffer[1];
ExtBuffer[0] = (mfxExtBuffer*) &composite;
VPPParams.NumExtParam = 1;
VPPParams.ExtParam = (mfxExtBuffer**) &ExtBuffer[0];
4. In the processing loop, after getting surface index modifying surfaces Info and Data fields for 960x540 stream before I do LoadRawFrame call :
memcpy(&(pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Info), &(inputStreams[streamNum]), sizeof(mfxFrameInfo));
//pVPPSurfacesIn->Data.Y = &surfaceBuffersIn[surfaceSize * i];
pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Data.U = pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Data.Y + inputStreams[streamNum].Width*inputStreams[streamNum].Height;
pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Data.V = pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Data.U + 1;
pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Data.Pitch = inputStreams[streamNum].Width;
// Load frame from file into surface
sts = LoadRawFrame(pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn], fSource[streamNum]);
OR just modifying the frame info:
memcpy(&(pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn]->Info), &(inputStreams[streamNum]), sizeof(mfxFrameInfo));
//pVPPSurfacesIn->Data.Y = &surfaceBuffersIn[surfaceSize * i];
// Load frame from file into surface
sts = LoadRawFrame(pVPPSurfacesIn[nSurfIdxIn], fSource[streamNum]);
Please help me with this issue. Thanks in advance.
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I resolved the issue. Input 2 stream parameters were not proper:
inputStreams[2].CropW = DESTW_THREE;
inputStreams[2].CropH = DESTH_THREE;
was to be replaced with
inputStreams[2].CropW = CROPW_THREE;
inputStreams[2].CropH = CROPH_THREE;
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Thanks for the update Mohnish - glad you got the composition working. I am closing this thread.
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