Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

Decoding realtime H.264 stream with MediaSDK?

New Contributor I

Hi, follows, I am studying the tuturial example simple_decode_d3d, which demonstrates how to decode an ES file. In this scenario, we do not need worry about SPS,PPS, for they are always at the file beginning, as I understand. But, now, I need take this example to do with real time stream from a remote server. How could I do some trick on the sample code to do this job?

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3 Replies

There is a Media SDK+FFmpeg example which has been used as a base for realtime encoding projects under the previous version of the tutorials package at the Media Solutions Portal. Please note it is from the previous version of the package -- you are free to use it but it is far from a complete turnkey solution, not in active development, and no longer supported.  This white paper may also help.

If you're looking for a complete streaming starting point there are many options.  Wowza is one example.  The new Elecard demultiplexer plugin may also be of interest.  Please watch for more plugins and partnerships as more solutions incorporate the hardware acceleration capabilities of Media SDK.


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New Contributor I

Hi, Jeffrey 

    Actually, I studied that project month ago. That does not help me on decoding stream, but on encoding stream into file via FFMPEG. Anyway, thanks a lot. When I dig into the code of FFMPEGWriter, I came up with a question, related with ffmpeg muxing. In the code, I understand that the video pts seems to be based on the processed video frame. The value of pts is how many video frames have been encoded  and written into file. While audio pts seems to be the number of audio frames. And one audio frame contains a bulk of audio samples, which is determined by audio encoder, indicating by c->frame_size. In this way, in the same av file, e.g. mp4 file, there is no relationship between video pts and audio pts. How could the decoder synchronize them when taking out from that file?

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New Contributor I

Jeffrey Mcallister (Intel) wrote:

There is a Media SDK+FFmpeg example which has been used as a base for realtime encoding projects under the previous version of the tutorials package at the Media Solutions Portal. Please note it is from the previous version of the package -- you are free to use it but it is far from a complete turnkey solution, not in active development, and no longer supported.  This white paper may also help.

If you're looking for a complete streaming starting point there are many options.  Wowza is one example.  The new Elecard demultiplexer plugin may also be of interest.  Please watch for more plugins and partnerships as more solutions incorporate the hardware acceleration capabilities of Media SDK.


Hi, Jeffrey!

This sample works perfectly only in Debug mode. When I build it in Release mode - it crashes.

Is it just my bad luck or a general trend?

Best regards,


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