Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

Encode and Decode Audio



I am working on Screen Capture and Encode it (Screen Capture) to h264. All this is working fine. Now i want include Audio in this.

Guide me how to add Audio to Encode and Decode it with Screen Capture i.e., Audio that is running at the time of screen capture(i.e., Screen Capture when the VLC player is playing vedio file with it's audio) and also Audio of Mike.

Till now Encoding of Screen Capture into h264 is working fine.

Also, if there any sample_Code for Audio encoding and decoding then provide me please.


Help me in adding audio Encoding/Decoding in it.


Thank you

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3 Replies

Hi Mohammad, 

There are two options to go for audio - one is to use MSDK audio package, it provides support to few codecs listed in the release notes. You can find the documentation in the manual and there is a sample in deprecated sample package i.e. sample_full_transcode which is working sample to show how to add audio package to the video transcode pipeline. You can download the deprecated sample package from here
Other option is to use any opensource implementation like ffmpeg audio package. 

Hope this helps!




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Hi Surbhi,

First of all thanks for you reply.

I have downloaded the deprecated sample and when i tried to run that with following command line parameters:

-i in.m2ts –o out.mp4 –v:b 1000 –a:b 16 -hw
-i in.mp4 –o out.m2ts –v:b 2000 –a:b 62 –hw
-i in.mp4 –o –v:b 2000 –a:b 52 –format m2ts –hw

but inside void PipelineManager::Build(CmdLineParser &parser) when it called  :-

std::auto_ptr<MFXDataIO> input (m_factory.CreateFileIO(parser[OPTION_I].as<msdk_string>(), MSDK_STRING("rb"))); ,

exception came because it is not passing only input media file but it passes "in.mp4 –o out.m2ts –v:b 2000 –a:b 62 –hw" in place of "in.mp4". 

I am having everything it at place.(i.e., valid mp4 media file)

So please provide me solution.


Thank you

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Hi Mohammad, 

I tested today and it's working for me, (I was wondering if I could try with your input. can you please send me your input, if it's too long, then please trim it and send 100 frames videos. Along, with that can you send me system details I remember you were working on multiple machines. Are you seeing this behavior on any particular system. 
Are you using MSDK client through INDE or Media Server Studio? Can you please check that you have audio package from one of the products to use. 


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