Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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3068 Discussions

H.264 decode support for Windows 7 using Direct3D11



I'm running the decode_sample using different H.264 streams on a Windows 7 computer (Intel HD Graphics 4000) and Windows 10 computer, using the latest graphic driver.

I've modified the sample to use the feature level to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 to get the VideoDevice interface from the d3d device.

I'm getting the error MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED after a 3-4 calls to DecodeFrameAsync.

The sample works perfectly using Direct3D9 with the same input streams.

Is Direct3D11 supported on Windows 7 ? (Our company still needs to support this OS as our customer base is not planning to upgrade yet.)

Thanks for your support.

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1 Reply
New Contributor III

Hi Pascall,

Yes, Direct3D11 feature, which decode_sample requires, is not supported on Windows 7. It is supported from Windows 8 onwards.

On Windows 7, you can use either D3D9 memory or System memory for decode only purpose. If you want to do rendering also then use D3D9 only.


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