Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
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For more information, see the VPL website.

HEVC encoding, what am I doing wrong?


I have an existing encoder that does QS H,264 and MPEG-2. I'm trying to add HEVC support. I read through the docs and looks at the sample code and I see that you have to load a plug-in to make it work. However when I add the code to my filter the call to MFXVideoUSER_Load returns MFX_ERR_NOT_FOUND. Here is the exact code I'm using


		// Setup Intel encoder
		mfxStatus status = MFX_ERR_NONE;
		mfxVersion version = {0, 1}; // We don't currently use any features not in 1.0 so no need to bump this

		CParameterIntelQSPreferences intel_prefs;
		mfxIMPL implementation_type = intel_prefs.GetPropertyInt( "ImplementationType" ) | intel_prefs.GetPropertyInt( "DirectXSurface" );

		// Initialize session
		status = m_mfxSession.Init(implementation_type, &version); // Auto selects hardware or software depending on system capabilities
		if (MFX_ERR_NONE > status)
			LogX("IntelVideoEncoder: Could not initiate hardware encoder, system may not support it: %i", status );
			return E_FAIL;

		mfxIMPL	 actualImplementation( MFX_IMPL_AUTO );
		if (MFX_ERR_NONE >  m_mfxSession.QueryIMPL( &actualImplementation ) )
			LogX("IntelVideoEncoder: Could not initiate query implementation");
			return E_FAIL;

		if ( MFX_ERR_NONE > m_mfxSession.QueryVersion( &version ) )
			LogX("IntelVideoEncoder: Could not initiate query version");
			return E_FAIL;

		// Load HEVC plugin
		if (m_videoCodec == MFX_CODEC_HEVC)
			if (MFX_IMPL_BASETYPE(actualImplementation) != MFX_IMPL_SOFTWARE && version.Minor >= 15)
				status = MFXVideoUSER_Load(m_mfxSession, &MFX_PLUGINID_HEVCE_HW, 1);
				if (MFX_ERR_NONE > status)
					LogX("IntelVideoEncoder: Unable to load HEVC encoder: %i", status );
					return E_FAIL;

I have a new i7-7700k with latest intel graphics drivers installed and I'm building against the latest SDK.

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3 Replies

Anyone have any idea what's going wrong here?

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No one can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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New Contributor III

Hi Dan,

I think HEVC encoder plugin is missing on your system. Please note that HEVC decoder/encoder plugin are not available with all media sdk package. Refer this:


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