Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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For more information, see the VPL website.
3078 Discussions

How to choose proper initial_pool_size for FFmpeg qsv encoder


I am testing HEVC encoding with 

    i9-12900K (UHD Graphics 770 iGPU) WHQL Certified


I used FFmpeg hevc_qsv and it require initialized HWFramesContext

since it does not support dynamic pool size

i have to set pool size with hw_frames_ctx->initial_pool_size = ...


In libavcodec/qsv.c qsv_frame_alloc has proper code that using NumFrameSuggested

and registered to mfxFrameAllocator::Alloc but this function is never called


So how do i select proper pool size for QSV encoding with FFmpeg?

and i cant figure out why mfxFrameAllocator::Alloc is not called

(documentation said it is called twice when MFXVideoENCODE_Init is called)

(It seems that tutorial also call mfxFrameAllocator::Alloc manually...)



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