Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.
3068 Discussions

How to use Media SDK with an additional external graphics card?



When I use Intel internal GPU only, I can execute my developed application with Media SDK normally.

(eg. sample_encode.exe)

However, when I plugin an external graphics card, and enable both graphics devices (output to 2 displays for each), the application can not work at all.

The arguments I use is:

sample_encode h264 -i input.yuv -hw -d3d11 -mux -o output.mp4 -f 25

 Any idea about this issue?


[updated] then I found that -hw and -d3d11 can not be used together in this scenario. Still wonder why.

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