Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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Opaque surfaces and HW implementation


I am facing a strange problem when using h264 HW transcoding and opaque surfaces.
My setup includes 2 joined video sessions. 
The first session (parent) is used for decoding only and the second one is for encoding only (very similar to sample_multi_transcode, 1->N, but my setup is 1->1 right now)
The problem I'm facing happens when I'm calling to encSession.SyncOperation(EncSyncp, MSDK_WAIT_INTERVAL) of the encoder session.
The return value I'm getting from this call is MFX_ERR_ABORTED.
I tried to check the decoder output and it seems just fine. decSession.SyncOperation(DecSyncp, MSDK_WAIT_INTERVAL) returns MFX_ERR_NONE. 

The strange thing is that my setup is working perfectly fine when using opaque surface and software implementation but returns MFX_ERR_ABORTED when using the HW implementation.
I also tried to used the sdk tracer tool, but all I didn't find any clue that can help me resolve this issue. SyncOperation log output:

16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37 function: MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation(mfxSession session=000001BC825C2780, mfxSyncPoint syncp=000000000004A430, mfxU32 wait=4200000) +
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37     mfxSession session=000001BC825C2328
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37     mfxSyncPoint* syncp=000000000004A430
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37     mfxU32 wait=1500000
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37 >> MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation called
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37     mfxSession session=000001BC825C2328
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37     mfxSyncPoint* syncp=000000000004A430
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37     mfxU32 wait=1500000
16356 2016-7-5 21:17:37 function: MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation(0.00233255 msec, status=MFX_ERR_ABORTED) - 

Any ideas what can go wrong?

This problem is causing my application to hang since the only thing that can clear the surface->Data.Locked field is the call to SyncOperation.

BTW - sample_multi_transcode with 2 joined sessions (decode + encode), using hw/sw with the same encoding settings and the same source is working without any problem.

I am using Intel Server Studio 2016, Windows 10, core i7-3632QM (API ver 1.11)

Thank you

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1 Reply

I forgot to upload the tracer and system analyzer logs.

They are attached to this post.

Thank you

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