Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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For more information, see the VPL website.
3077 Discussions

oneVPL swdec fails with MFX_ERR_ABORTED at DecodeFrameAsync()


Intel OneVPL version: 2023.0.0


Visual Studio 2022



I'm developing decoder software based on sample_decode which I downloaded from .


My app receives AVC/HEVC stream, then split it into GOP units, and put them into CDecodingPipeline::RunDecoding().
Once I got MFX_ERR_MORE_DATA, put another GOP as so on.

HW decoder works fine, but SW decoder does not decode any frame and return MFX_ERR_MORE_DATA on 2nd call and results MFX_ERR_ABORTED on 3rd call.


How can I work around this error?


I modified  sample_decode  so that this situation can be reproduced.

  • HW codec works fine
    Warning - unable to create logfile C:\onevpldispatcher.log
    Log output will be sent to stdout
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    CONFIGURE LOADER: required implementation: hw
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    CONFIGURE LOADER: required implementation mfxAccelerationMode: MFX_ACCEL_MODE_VIA_D3D11
    CONFIGURE LOADER: Use dispatcher's low-latency mode
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    function: MFXCreateSession (enter)
    message:  low latency mode enabled
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::LoadLibsLowLatency (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::LoadLibsLowLatency (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryLibraryCaps (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryLibraryCaps (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::CreateSession (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::CreateSession (return)
    function: MFXCreateSession (return)
    Loaded Library configuration:
        Version: 1.0
        ImplName: mfx-gen
        Adapter number : 0
        Adapter type: integrated
    Loaded module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_9671054d3bbcb1b5\libmfxhw64.dll
    pretending that aspect ratio is 1:1
    Decoding Sample Version
    Input video     AVC
    Output format   NV12
      Resolution    1280x960
      Crop X,Y,W,H  0,0,1280,960
      Resolution    1280x960
    Frame rate      1.00
    Memory type             system
    MediaSDK impl           hw_d3d11
    MediaSDK version        1.35
    Decoding started
    Frame number:  150, fps: 131.517, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 233.132
    [sk] call m_FileReader->Reset()
    Frame number:  300, fps: 153.265, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 214.777
    [sk] call m_FileReader->Reset()
    Frame number:  450, fps: 183.200, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 245.750
    [sk] call m_FileReader->Reset()
    Decoding finished
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::UnloadAllLibraries (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::UnloadAllLibraries (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::FreeConfigFilters (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::FreeConfigFilters (return)
    E:\skudo\oneVPL-master\tools\out\build\x64-Debug\legacy\sample_decode\sample_decode.exe (プロセス 21728) は、コード 0 で終了しました。​
  • SW codec fails with MFX_ERR_ABORTED 
    Warning - unable to create logfile C:\onevpldispatcher.log
    Log output will be sent to stdout
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    CONFIGURE LOADER: required implementation: sw
    function: MFXCreateConfig (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::AddConfigFilter (return)
    function: MFXCreateConfig (return)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (enter)
    function: MFXSetConfigFilterProperty (return)
    CONFIGURE LOADER: required implementation mfxAccelerationMode: MFX_ACCEL_MODE_NA
    function: MFXEnumImplementations (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::BuildListOfCandidateLibs (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::BuildListOfCandidateLibs (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::CheckValidLibraries (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::CheckValidLibraries (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryLibraryCaps (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::PrioritizeImplList (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::PrioritizeImplList (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryLibraryCaps (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::UpdateValidImplList (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::PrioritizeImplList (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::PrioritizeImplList (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::UpdateValidImplList (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryImpl (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryImpl (return)
    function: MFXEnumImplementations (return)
    function: MFXEnumImplementations (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryImpl (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::QueryImpl (return)
    function: MFXEnumImplementations (return)
    function: MFXCreateSession (enter)
    message:  low latency mode disabled
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::CreateSession (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::CreateSession (return)
    function: MFXCreateSession (return)
    Loaded Library configuration:
        Version: 2.7
        ImplName: oneAPI VPL CPU Implementation
        Adapter number : -1
    Loaded module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vpl\latest\bin\libvplswref64.dll
    Loaded module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_9671054d3bbcb1b5\libmfxhw64.dll
    Decoding Sample Version
    Input video     AVC
    Output format   IYUV
      Resolution    1280x960
      Crop X,Y,W,H  0,0,1280,960
      Resolution    1280x960
    Frame rate      1.00
    Memory type             system
    MediaSDK impl           sw
    MediaSDK version        2.7
    Decoding started
    Frame number:  150, fps: 47.876, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 338.849
    [sk] call m_FileReader->Reset()
    Frame number:  150, fps: 47.867, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 338.849
    [sk] call m_FileReader->Reset()
    [ERROR], sts=MFX_ERR_ABORTED(-12), CDecodingPipeline::RunDecoding, DecodeFrameAsync returned error status at pipeline_decode.cpp:1980
    Frame number:  150, fps: 47.859, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 338.849
    [ERROR], sts=MFX_ERR_ABORTED(-12), CDecodingPipeline::RunDecoding, Unexpected error!! at pipeline_decode.cpp:2100
    [ERROR], sts=MFX_ERR_ABORTED(-12), main, Pipeline.RunDecoding failed at sample_decode.cpp:901
    function: MFXDispReleaseImplDescription (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::ReleaseImpl (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::ReleaseImpl (return)
    function: MFXDispReleaseImplDescription (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::UnloadAllLibraries (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::UnloadAllLibraries (return)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::FreeConfigFilters (enter)
    function: LoaderCtxVPL::FreeConfigFilters (return)
    E:\skudo\oneVPL-master\tools\out\build\x64-Debug\legacy\sample_decode\sample_decode.exe (プロセス 21872) は、コード -12 で終了しました。​

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