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For more information, see the VPL website.

question about install mediaseerverstudio


hello Intel-giant

   I have several questions as below, please help to clarify. Thanks

   Q1.   I try to install mediaserverstudio with R7 on linux, And I found the windows link is MediaServerStudioessentials2015r7.exe,

            but the linux link is mediaserverstudioessentials2015r6.tar.gz. Is there something wrong with the file on website ??

    Q2.  I referred to the URL(,

            and download MSS R6 for linux, When I go to the following step, I didn't find the but Is there

            some wrong with the data on Website??

4. How to setup MSS on Ubuntu* 14.04 LTB

4.1 Install Generic driver with script instead of

[root@host] # ./      ## refer to 9.1 in the document




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5 Replies

Hi Medwin, 

I try to install mediaserverstudio with R7 on linux, And I found the windows link is MediaServerStudioessentials2015r7.exe,
but the linux link is mediaserverstudioessentials2015r6.tar.gz. Is there something wrong with the file on website ??
>>> There has been only windows launch for Media Server Studio 2015 R7 and there has been no launch fox Linux OS. The reason it points to Linux release 2015R6 is to show that is the last up to date for Linux. I understand this is not very clear in the emails, we hope to make it more clear in our future releases on the Intel registration emails and the website.  

I referred to the URL(, and download MSS R6 for linux, When I go to the following step, I didn't find the but Is there some wrong with the data on Website??
>>Can you provide system details on which you are installing Media Server Studio - Processor info and OS
You need to make , refer to section 9 in the article, it already provides what need to written in the installation script. Only thing that package doesn't come with script. 


P.S. : I am moving your question to Media forum - ;
Please start a new thread there whenever you have queries on Media products in future. 

0 Kudos

Hi Surbhi-Giant,

>>> There has been only windows launch for Media Server Studio 2015 R7 and there has been no launch fox Linux OS. The reason it points to Linux release 2015R6 is to show that is the last up to date for Linux.

==> Many thanks for your info.


>>Can you provide system details on which you are installing Media Server Studio - Processor info and OS
You need to make , refer to section 9 in the article, it already provides what need to written in the installation script. Only thing that package doesn't come with script.

==> processor: i54570S, OS: ubuntu 12.04.

       The provided article link is the same as the one I referred, and I didn't find Any idea?? Thanks

[intel-linux-media-ocl_generic_16.4.2.1-39163_64bit] $ ls -l
total 532
drwxrwxr-x 5 dspuser dspuser   4096 Jun 11 08:31 etc
-rwxrwxr-x 1 dspuser dspuser  10556 Jun 19 09:19
drwxr-xr-x 3 dspuser dspuser   4096 Jun 18 07:50 intel-linux-media-patches-39163
-rw-r--r-- 1 dspuser dspuser 466074 Jun 18 07:56 intel-linux-media-patches-39163.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dspuser dspuser   8368 Jun 11 08:31 intel-opencl-1.2-16.4.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dspuser dspuser   1372 Jun  5 11:19 intel-opencl-1.2-release-notes.txt
drwxrwxr-x 3 dspuser dspuser   4096 Jun 11 08:22 opt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dspuser dspuser  30162 Apr 24  2015
drwxrwxr-x 6 dspuser dspuser   4096 Jun 11 08:32 usr

[intel-linux-media-ocl_generic_16.4.2.1-39163_64bit] $ pwd


0 Kudos

Hi Medwin - The document referred to above have been updated recently and the install steps are more clear now -

In Section 3 where we refer to the ubuntu install script, we also say that you can find the script in section 7.1 of the document.

1. Install Generic driver with script instead of

[root@host] # ./      ## refer to 7.1 in the document

So, you will find the script in Section 7.1. For your ease, I am pasting the contents of this script that is listed in sec 7.1.


echo "Modify file for ubuntu ..."
find -name "*.pc" | xargs sed -i 's|lib64|lib/x86_64-linux-gnu|g'

# if using MSS version less than R6, please uncomment this.
#sed -i 's|lib64|lib/x86_64-linux-gnu|g' etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd

echo "Remove old MSS install files ..."
sudo rm -rf /opt/intel/mediasdk
sudo rm -rf /opt/intel/common
sudo rm -rf /opt/intel/opencl

# remove old libdrm and libva
find /usr -name "libdrm*" | xargs sudo rm -rf
find /usr -name "libva*" | xargs sudo rm -rf

echo "Install MSS files ..."
sudo cp -rdf opt/* /opt/
sudo cp -rdf etc/* /etc/

sudo cp -rdf usr/bin/*     /usr/bin/
sudo cp -rdf usr/include/* /usr/include/
sudo cp -rdf usr/lib64/*   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudp cp -rdf usr/share/*   /usr/share

echo "Install finished, please reboot ..."
0 Kudos

Hi Sravanthi, 

    Many thanks for your reply.  And I have more questions as below

    Q1. I download examples from and found several examples about decode/encode but display. My question is "Does Media Server Studio only support improving video decode,encode, pre/post-processing without display? "

     Q2. I try the above example and the messages were shown below, did you know why the SW's performance is better than HW's ? Is there anything I misunderstand?

[_build] $ pwd
[_build] $ !2012
./simple_decode  -sw test_stream.264  sw_out.yuv
libva info: VA-API version 0.35.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_32
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Frame number: 101
Execution time: 0.05 s (2089.93 fps)  =>   SW performance
[_build] $ !2013
./simple_decode  -hw test_stream.264  hw_out.yuv
libva info: VA-API version 0.35.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_32
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Frame number: 101
Execution time: 0.10 s (998.06 fps)   =>   HW performance
[_build] $


0 Kudos

Hi Medwin, first of all benchmarking on so short & low resolution fragment is not a trustable data. you should try longer sequence or higher resolution to rely on it.

You may try also to compare "decode-only" speed with disabled rendering and disabled file writing to estimate real speed to be achieved in your end usage.

You also should keep in mind:  HW decoder transfers uncompressed frames from video memory to system memory when you write decoded data to a file. this transfer is not free. when you use HW for playback or transcoding this transfer will not happen and no penalty. In case of hardware pipeline decoder downstreams uncompressed frame to blitter or encoder not involving memory copy.

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