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Bug in quartus_pgm command line tool



i have been using the quartus_pgm command line utility with the "--nios2" option lately to write a few bytes to the EPCQ of my Cyclone V GT Development Kit.

I noticed that there is a bug related to the length of the flash filename being used.

When I type

quartus_pgm --nios2 --epcq --base=0x4c000000 --csr=0x4e000000 --instance=0 fix1.srec

I get the following error message:

Info: Command: quartus_pgm --nios2 --epcq --base=0x4c000000 --csr=0x4e000000 --instance=0 fix1.srec
Info (18932): Using cable "USB-BlasterII [1-8]", device 1, instance 0x00
Info (18932): Resetting and pausing target processor:
Info (18932): OK
Error (18927): No CSR found at address 0x4E000000
Info (18932): Leaving target processor paused

When I use the same file but rename it to a filename with 16 or more characters the exact same command works flawlessly. It also works when I start the command from a parent directory and give "<path to file>/fix1.srec" as parameter (as long as it has 16 or more characters in total)

I attached the srecord file i was using as .txt file because .srec is not a supported format for attachments.

Edit: Quartus Version 18.1.0 Build 625 09/12/2018 SJ Standard Edition

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3 Replies

Hi @SEbbert,

Thank you for posting in Intel community forum, hope all is well and apologies for the delayed in response.
Appreciate the effort on reporting this out, and allow us to validate this, would it be convenient for you to share the quartus project or qsys design for us to furhter understand and replicate the issues?


Also can you try if by using the --read param for the quartus_pgm command line will it work with the short files name.
Hope to hear from you soon.


Best Wishes

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Hi BB,


unfortunately I can't share the qsys design or quartus project because it is part of a project at my workplace.


I tried using the --read param and it shows the exact same behavior. When the filename is shorter than 16 characters it fails with "Error (18927): No CSR found at address 0x4E000000".


I also built a minimal design only containing a Nios II, On-Chip Memory, JTAG UART, JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge, Avalon-MM Clock Crossing Bridge and the Serial Flash Controller Intel FPGA IP. With this design I can't reproduce the error when using the "quartus_pgm --nios2" command to write to or read from the EPCQ.


Do you have an idea what could cause an error like this with the filenames?


Best Regards

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Hi @SEbbert,


Good day, just checking in to see if there is any further doubts in regards to this matter.
Hope we have clarify your doubts.


Best Wishes

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