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Build project in nios2 IDE

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone,when I build the project in IDE,It appears a error in task view as follow: 

*** [D:/altera/kits/nios2/examples/zzh1/newstart_sim/dummy_file] Error 2 success_match  

I don't how to solve this problem.Please tell me how to let it run properly in detail.Thank you very much. 

my QQ:332418170
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

...try search "dummy_file" 


...from other thread: 


I've been having problems building the example count_binary software project (and all others) while working through the NiosII 

hardware tutoria. The build kept finishing with the following error... 


Error *** [E:/altera/kits/nios2/tutorials/Nios2_HW_Tutorial/1C20/first_nios2_system_sim/dummy_file] Error 2 count_binary_0 



It took me a while to suss out how to stop this, but it turned out that dummy_file didn't exist, so it was just a matter 

of creating a text file in Windows explorer then renaming this to dummy_file. 


The build now works fine. 


This has been a public serivce post for any others who have the same problem! 




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Honored Contributor II

Thank you for your reply.I created a text file in the \newstart director and renamed it dummy_file.Then I created a new project and builded it ,It appears the same error. 

I am sure your problem provided on the upstair is the same with my problem. Is there something wrong in my process? please give me advise. 

Thank you very much!! 

By the way ,may I have your ICQ number or QQ or E_mail?
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Honored Contributor II

There are many topic about this kind of error in this forum. 


The most possibility take place when you mismatch quartusII and niosII version: 


qii 4.2 + nios II 1.1 is ok 

qii 4.1 + nios II 1.0 is ok too 


qii 4.2 + nios II 1.0 may result in such a mistake. Unfortunately Altera binds these two kind of softwares during distributing.
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