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Custom accelerator circuit design with DMA

Honored Contributor II

Good Morning, 


I am running a C program on Linux (builded with buildroot) on the HPS (Cyclone V, DE1-SoC Board), now I want to replace a function with a custom FPGA circuit. 


This function reads two matrix, then gives a resulting matrix. This custom hcircuit read the two matrix from the SDRAM of the HPS, than rewrite the result on the same SDRAM. 

1- I want to know if I can use a DMA controller to do this or I must transfer the data using the CPU. 

2- If I can use the DMA controller, is there any documentation about it, how to use it with a custom circuit. 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The DMA on the Cyclone V can definitely deal with this. 

I can't comment on how to implement this on Linux, but here's the key information for a "bare-metal" implementation. 

- The DMA is the "ARM PrimeCell" PL330 module from ARM. You can retrieve the technical manual from the ARM web-site. 

- The Cyclone V handbook also has a section that greatly help understand how to use & program the PL330. 

- Your requirements involves triggers and these are listed in the DMA section of the Cyclone V handbook. 

- You can find the base address of the DMA registers in the Appendix section of the Cyclone V handbook. 

- You should be able to use the hwlib in the SocEDS do program the PL330 for your specific needs; if not, then it should be easily modifiable 


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Honored Contributor II

Old topic but in case anyone is interested to obtain an example of transferring the data from FPGA (using DMA soft IP) to the HPS SDRAM, here is the link:
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