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Cyclone V SX SoC Development Board serial for HPS

Honored Contributor II


I have a couple of Cyclone V SX SoC Development Board. 5CSXFC6D6F31C6N The one with the LED display. 


I am using the 15.1 SOC install with the blasterii usb to serial with windows 7. 

I have successfully ported apps etc to the arm linux with ds-5 with the gnu gcc cross compiler. 

I am trying to get 4 serial channels to talk to an app on the arm9 processor but for now I would like to just get 1. I would like to stay on the HPS but if I have to go to the FPGA and quartus prime I guess that’s ok. 

I noticed that there are no devices /dev/a_16550_uart_0,1. 

I am using the stock install that comes on the ssd card.  

I see a sample app in the Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide for a loopback serial. 

I saw the example in the ds-5 arm cross compiler the uart 16550 that creates a hwlib.xfe and a u-boot-spl.xfe when I run the hwlib.xfe it segment faults probably because the devices are missing. Is the u-boot-spl.xfe a u-boot.img? I am guessing not because the format of the file looks different. 

I ran the bsp-editor and recompiled the preloader and u-boot but the serial was already checked.  

I did a lsmod and the only module was altera-something. 

So is the uart the best approach for the serial? 

How do I get it into the bsp-editor and linux to include this device? 


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