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DE10 Linux building example...

Honored Contributor II



I am porting an existing Cyclone1 NiosII system across to CycloneVSoC. It is a data acquisition system streaming data (DMA) into NIosII with interrupt handling and so on. No OS on the NiosII, just LWIP for the network stack, and non-preemptive threading at the main level (to keep things simple with no re-trancy issues with library functions,etc) the data streaming pops out of FIFOs (blockram). 


So - At the moment I have a DE10-Nano board - and it seems very capable indeed. 


My feeling is that I should port all the software over to run on the HPS, leaving only the custom hardware peripheral on the FPGA side. 

This would mean some device driver creation for me to present that data streaming into the linux space (DMA again presumably) 


I'm assuming the DE10 assigns both the ARM cores to linux. This is okay for me, providing I can get the device driver written to handle any data buffering reasonably efficiently (the block rams can probably be larger for CycloneV) 


I think firstly I should find out how to build the linux OS up from source. Is there an application note for that? 

At the moment I'm not clear what flavour of Linux is recommended/supported for CycloneV. 


Can I ask for a direction to building up Linux OS for DE10-Nano? 



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