Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
Support for Embedded Development Tools, Processors (SoCs and Nios® V/II processor), Embedded Development Suites (EDSs), Boot and Configuration, Operating Systems, C and C++


Honored Contributor II

I have downside program in order to realize transfer block data from onchip_memory to UART by DMA, however it doesn't work. The message shows the transter has completed, but there is no data transfered to UART. 

I don't know is there some problem with my program or system set? 


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#include <stdio.h># include <stddef.h># include <stdlib.h># include "sys/alt_dma.h"# include "alt_types.h"# include <system.h> 

/* flag used to indicate the transaction is complete */ 

volatile int dma_complete = 0; 

/* function that is called when the transaction completes */ 

void dma_done (void* handle) 

dma_complete = 1; 

int main (void) 

char buffer[32]="welcome to my nios2 world"; 

alt_dma_txchan tx; 

/* Obtain a handle for the device */ 

if ((tx = alt_dma_txchan_open ("/dev/dma")) == NULL) 

printf ("Error: failed to open device\n"); 

exit (1); 


/* Post the receive request */ 


if (alt_dma_txchan_send (tx, buffer, 32, dma_done, NULL) < 0) 

printf ("Error: failed to post receive request\n"); 

exit (1); 

/* Wait for the transaction to complete */ 

while (!dma_complete); 

printf ("Transaction complete\n"); 

alt_dma_txchan_close (tx); 

return 0; 


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nios2-terminal: connected to hardware target using UART on /dev/com1 at 115200 b 


nios2-terminal: (Use the IDE stop button or Ctrl-C to terminate) 

rrnnaattoo ooppeeee 

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