Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Downloading ELF Process failed!

Honored Contributor II

I am running NiosII IDE on my windows 7 professional laptop. When I first create a sopc project and complie and download *.sof into target board, then I also create a demo NiosII project "Hello world!" and debug it normally. Howerver, after I close NiosII IDE and restart it, I cann't debug it anymore eventhrough I don't change anything in both Quartus and sopc. It gives me a prompt that "Lanching hello_test Nios II hardware configuration has encourntered a problem. Downloading ELF Process failed". No matter I restart my laptop or power off my target board, it doesn't work! If I rebuild a new same sopc project and rebuild a new same NiosII project, it can work.But there is the same problem if I close it and restart it again. Please help me!:confused::confused::confused:

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23 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Make sure that timing is closed on the JTAG interface. USB Blaster II cables run at 24MHz by default. This should be constrained in your Quartus project like this: 


create_clock -name {altera_reserved_tck} -period 40 -waveform {0.000 20} { altera_reserved_tck } 



If you need to slow down the clock rate with a USB Blaster II cable, run this command in a Nios Command Shell or Windows Command Shell. 


jtagconfig --setparam 1 JtagClock 6M
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I am running NiosII IDE on my windows 7 professional laptop. When I first create a sopc project and complie and download *.sof into target board, then I also create a demo NiosII project "Hello world!" and debug it normally. Howerver, after I close NiosII IDE and restart it, I cann't debug it anymore eventhrough I don't change anything in both Quartus and sopc. It gives me a prompt that "Lanching hello_test Nios II hardware configuration has encourntered a problem. Downloading ELF Process failed". No matter I restart my laptop or power off my target board, it doesn't work! If I rebuild a new same sopc project and rebuild a new same NiosII project, it can work.But there is the same problem if I close it and restart it again. Please help me!:confused::confused::confused: 

--- Quote End ---  



Hi all, 


After many day of getting into this trouble. Finally, I have found a solution. 


Just stop, and then re-start your jtag server on your PC.  



This is what I did: 

1. Open Services: Winkey + R, enter "services.msc" without quotes, and hit OK. 

2. Look for Altera JTAG Server, hit stop, wait a second for it to stop, and then hit start

3. Retry to run as nios hardware configuration 


If you continue to get error, please consider to open nios --> system console, then refresh connection


Let me know if it's helpful for you.
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Honored Contributor II

I'm having similar issues. I can run HelloWorld Small from RAM but not from Flash. I fixed the clock issue on flash_se_reg_neg and pass timing. I ran the system console suggestions and get the following. This is the same error I'm seeing in the IDE of failing Verify. The flash address is correct with 176k available in single compressed UFM mode. The code runs in 4K of ram. SysId passes. The NIOS is in simple E mode. I'm running 17.1.1 build 593 SJ Lite Edition which is the latest version. I'm using the max10m08 eval board. I can program UFM and CFM with a POF file but don't see the program run from there either. Should blink an LED. 



$ nios2-download -f HelloSmall.elf && nios2-terminal 

nios2-download: error: -f: invalid option; use --help to show usage 




$ nios2-download -g HelloSmall.elf && nios2-terminal 

Using cable "USB-BlasterII [USB-1]", device 1, instance 0x00 

Processor is already paused 

Initializing CPU cache (if present) 


Downloaded 4KB in 0.0s 

Verifying 00040000 ( 0%) 

Verify failed between address 0x40000 and 0x40FBB 

Leaving target processor paused 




$ jtagconfig -n 

1) USB-BlasterII [USB-1] 

031820DD 10M08SA(.|ES)/10M08SC 

Node 0C006E00 JTAG UART# 0 

Node 10186E00 ROM/RAM/Constant# 0 

Node 19104600 Nios II# 0 

Node 30006E00 Signal Tap# 0 

Design hash 0F3D6A27675E7B49F645
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