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12627 Discussions

EM2130L Regulator with external Sync clock

Honored Contributor II



Dear Sir, 


Regulator input, output and current requirements. 

Input Volts = 4.0V - 6.0V DC 

Output Volts = 0.95V DC 

Max Current = 25.0A  



In our design we will power the regulator first with default setting, and this power is used for powering an FPGA, 


Once the FPGA is powered, 


On need basis we want to provide SYNC clock generated from FPGA to the SYNC pin of the regulator, 


Kindly confirm, our method of providing SYNC clock is Ok,  

Also when this SYNC clock applied, the regulator output voltage should not be altered.  

We need few Clarification, 



Device data sheet says below. What does toggling Vout means, if the device is re synchronized to the external clock after 1ms? 



Does it mean, Vout will get disturbed when sync is applied?  



CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION The EM2130’s PWM synchronization feature allows the user to synchronize the switching frequency of multiple devices. The SYNC pin can be configured as an input or an output. When the SYNC pin is configured as input clock, the external clock need to be available before the EM2130 is enabled. The EM2130 will only lock to the external clock within 1ms after the device is enabled. After 1 ms the device can be re-synchronized to the external clock signal by toggling VOUT or via PMBus MFR_RESYNC command. 




Best Regards, 

Bhavishya AJ 





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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II
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Can the "" link be fixed now that this is Intel?


Is there any additional information about the SYNC input pin?  Specifically, can an 800kHz spread spectrum clock be used as input?

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Can the "" link be updated now that this is Intel? 


Is there any additional information regarding the SYNC pin?  Specifically, can an 800kHz spread spectrum clock be used to drive SYNC?

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