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Error: Can't Open project -- Quartus II 6.0

Honored Contributor II

recently encountered many times, previous built project (Quartus II 5.0) can't be opened in Quartus II 6.0, and can't be opened in 5.0 as well. 


All files are sitting in the original location, no copy or move operations ever done. 


X Error: Can't open project -- you do not have permission to write to all the files or create new files in the project's database directory. 


WindowXp, change all files into not READ ONLY, still doesn't work, after trying to open the project, some files automatically return to READ ONLY again. 


Please help!
11 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I've never seen that before, but it shouldn't hurt to delete the db folder in your project. On Windows, these sorts of file permissions issues are usually caused by some sort of stray (or out of control) process that has grabbed control of certain files. 


I use process explorer ( to find these processes and kill them. 




- slacker
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Appreciate slacker's suggestion, 


We actually have three workstations suffering the same issue. I tried processes killing method, no related process found. 


Copy all the project files to a clean computer, the do the properties change still won't work (totally windows thing). 


Could not understand why.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by legendbb@Jun 28 2006, 12:39 PM 

appreciate slacker's suggestion, 


we actually have three workstations suffering the same issue. i tried processes killing method, no related process found. 


copy all the project files to a clean computer, the do the properties change still won't work (totally windows thing). 


could not understand why. 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=16470) 

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I saw that the files in the project lost write permission. Try to put them.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have the same problem. 

It first occurred in my Nios project, but not in my non-Nios projects. 

I then created a new project containing a Nios block, and I used it for about a week. It worked when I left the office last Friday, but when I returned Monday morning this project was also impossible to open. 

The last time I could use it by opening it on another computer and then just opening the sof file on my own computer when it was time for programming, but I haven&#39;t tried that with this project yet.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have solved the problem. 

I removed all files that I believe are temporary or generated automatically. Actually I removed all files and left it to my revision system (Perforce) to re-sync the files. 

After this the project could be opened. 


The next time it happens I will remove the files one by one in order to find out which one is causing the trouble.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The problem is that somehow (don&#39;t ask me - i don&#39;t know) windows sets the write protection bits to several files and to directories.  


You can check this in windows explorer if you press the right mouse button to the bar where Name, Size, Type and Date Modified is shown. Select the Attributes field. If an &#39;R&#39; is shown for any of the files or directories in your project directory, then you have this problem. 


To solve this you have to open a DOS box (start menu -> Run... -> enter cmd and press OK, change to the project directory and run 


&#39;attrib -R /S /D *&#39;  


This should clear all write protection flags for the files in this and all subdirectories (including the directories)


It is not necessary to delete or reinstall anything. 


If one knows how to do this in windows explorer then please let me know, because i can remove write protection only on files, but not on directories. 


Hope this helps 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by stonie@Aug 28 2006, 05:05 PM 

to solve this you have to open a dos box (start menu -> run... -> enter cmd and press ok, change to the project directory and run 


&#39;attrib -r /s /d *&#39; 

--- Quote End ---  



It helped if I run on &#39;.&#39; instead of &#39;*&#39; when I was located in my project directory. 

Why, I don&#39;t know. I also don&#39;t understand what the difference is between the ATTRIB command and changing attributes from the Properties window. 


Thanks for the help. 


0 Kudos

I was having the same issue and this worked perfectly for me.

0 Kudos

I faced the same issue, and I only had to run Quartus as administrator. That's it.

0 Kudos

It worked for me. Thanks.

0 Kudos

I see the same thing - attrib command forces a removal of the attribute in a way that Explorer does not.  Even though the cli attrib command vs explorer properties behaves differently, this is really a Quartus bug in that it errantly does some type of read-only check on the folder that the project is being opened from.  Maybe they are doing a check incorrectly using the attribute vs ntfs permissions.  Either that, or it is trying to do something subtle to the folder that doesn't result in a tangible modification - maybe some type of locking action?  Intel should fix the bug and allow folders with the read-only attribute set to hold projects.

PS, Before anyone tries to claim a read-only folder isn't supposed to have updates, it's standard practice in Windows Explorer for folders to have the attribute's file-level read-only attributes that are meaningful in Windows.

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