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FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Bridge in Bare-metal

Honored Contributor II

FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Bridge in Bare-metal 





I am using DE1-SoC to start bare-metal programming for dual-core Cortex-A9 ARM hard processor, Cyclone V. 



I'm trying to read data from SDRAM to FPGA using FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Bridge. 



I configured FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM interface in qsys to use avalon-MM Read only, 32 width. 

I exported FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Bridge avalon-MM Read only and write verilog state machine for reading 








always @ (posedge DDR3_clk )  


if(sdramState == READ) begin 

DDR3_read <=1'b1; 

DDR3_write <=1'b0; 

if(DDR3_waitrequest==1'b0 && DDR3_read==1'b1)begin 

if(!wrfull_vga_fifo ) begin 

if(sdram_rd_cnt == (0 + 110591) ) begin 

sdram_rd_cnt <= 0; 

end else begin 

sdram_rd_cnt <= sdram_rd_cnt + 1'b1; 


DDR3_address <= sdram_rd_cnt; //+ A_FRAME_SA; 

data_to_vga <= DDR3_readdata[15:0]; 

wrreq_vga_fifo <= 1'b1;  

end else begin 

wrreq_vga_fifo <= 1'b0; 




end else begin 

wrreq_vga_fifo <= 1'b0;  








And I build preloader using bsp-editor.exe and load it using Eclipes of DS-5. 







When I traced FPGA-to-HPS SDRAM Bridge "avalon-MM Read only signals" on signalTab, The output was: 

avalon_DDR3_waitrequest signal was always 1. 



Then I added in main(): 

alt_bridge_init( ALT_BRIDGE_F2S, NULL, NULL);  



The output was:  

avalon_DDR3_waitrequest became 0 but still no data read ( avalon_DDR3_readdatavalid was always 0, and avalon_DDR3_readdata was always 0).
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