Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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How to create new Quartus II project based on kit

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

I have a Cyclone-II development kit from Altera. 

I am able to use an example design for Quartus and SOPC builder with all the components preconfigured and supplied by Altera. Here I can easily modify the system and all the components I need. 

Now I would like to create my own project in a new directory so this project will contain 2C35 devkit components and files from the original project and I can modify it.  


Does anybody know how to do this? 


Is it something like: 

1. Create Quartus-II project with 2C35 

2. Create SOPC builder system (with .ptf from the original Altera file as resource?) 

3. Add my components into this system 

4. Generate in SOPC 

5. Compile in Quartus-II 


This is how I am trying to do it, but SOPC always crashes, when generating ddr_sdram component... 


Any help would be appreciated...
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi CableGuy, 


along with your dev-board referencedesigns are shipped. The 2C35 is included as well. Open Quartus and open project: go to directory of you reference designs and open the .qpf. Then you can modify it the way you like.... 


Good luck, 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by dannyjacobs@Dec 8 2005, 02:58 AM 

hi cableguy, 


along with your dev-board referencedesigns are shipped. the 2c35 is included as well. open quartus and open project: go to directory of you reference designs and open the .qpf. then you can modify it the way you like.... 


good luck, 



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That is true, I did it like this until now - I was just modifying the original Altera design. But now I would like to work simultaneously on two designs - for that reason I want to have two separate projects in Quartus and for each project from NIOS-II IDE reference a different .ptf file.  

Can you give me some instructions how to create more independent projects based on Altera 2C35 devkit original design? When I make two new different projects and copy the contents from this original design (.bdf, .ptf files etc...), after modyfing this new project, during SOPC re-generation original design gets overwritten...
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Honored Contributor II

Hi CableGuy, 


you must work in different directories and workspaces... that&#39;s the way it works with Quartus.... maybe it will be solved in future versions... 




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