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How to verify that my Analog Digital Converter (ADC) is giving the correct result

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 


I have created Analog Digital Converter (ADC) as custom component interfacing with Nios ii using Altera Monitor Program. I am using Terasic DE0-Nano Cyclone IV. The ADC model is NS ADC128S022, 8-Channel, 12-bit A/D Converter, 50 Ksps to 200 Ksps. 


On the terminal at Altera Monitor Program, I can see the converted values of the eight channels. 


Forgive me that I am really new to hardware world... 


What I want to do is to verify that my ADC is giving the correct result, how could I achieve this using Altera Monitor Program? 


If the above is not possible, I am wondering how to use RS232 UART to verify that my ADC is giving the correct result?  


Any resources or links would be appreciated as I can say that I know nothing about how to perform this using RS232 UART.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

To verify it is correct, you will need to measure voltage levels on the board, to check against the expected values in your FPGA.

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Honored Contributor II


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To verify it is correct, you will need to measure voltage levels on the board, to check against the expected values in your FPGA. 

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Tricky, thanks for your reply... 




How could I use RS232 UART to send data to my ADC and to show the converted value on the screen in order to verify the results? I know I am blur on this, very bad understanding in hardware, forgive me 


I think my question is how can I use RS232 UART to verify the results (converted digital outputs match the analog inputs)?
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Honored Contributor II

Does the ADC have a RS232 port? 

WHat you probably want is an RS232 core in the FPGA - then you can easily look at the results in real time.
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