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Issue with global pointer

Honored Contributor II

I am trying to display a picture on VGA and I have SDRAM with 128MB on hardware. But when I place large array off 220*240 pixels in the code it gives me the global pointer error. 


I am getting this Error:  


warning: Unable to reach (null) (at 0x00047ff4) from the global pointer (at 0x000342cc) because the offset (81192) is out of the allowed range, -32678 to 32767. 




I saw that the solution might be to add -G0 in the compiler options. But I do not know how to do this in the Eclipse. 

I can not find this option in the Eclipse IDE. Can someone tell me how do I add -G0 in the compiler options ? I need pictures or printscreens. 


Help me please.
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Honored Contributor II
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