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12618 Discussions

JUART / nios2-terminal bandwidth limit

Honored Contributor II

We are trying to use a part of a StratixII as a RS232 server : 

- 6 uarts, at 9600 baud, are connected to the outside world : actual computers 

- Data from the 6 uarts are "routed" by a NIOS2 ( at 25Mhz ) to 5 juarts 

- Data is then displayed by the 6 nios2-terminals ( remote access ) 


To test the above, a 2nd NIOS2 is configured to generate data to the 6 uarts ( no reverse traffic yet ) 


The above works OK only if the 2nd NIOS2 is throttled to less than 200 char/sec.<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif  


The 1st NIOS2, which routes the data between the uarts and juarts doesn&#39;t seem to be the major problem. There are occassional missing char when the char rate is raised. The more disdurbing problem is the disappearance of all the niso2-terminals<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif , with the following error msg : 


nios2-terminal: exiting due to I/O error communicating with target 


Note : 

Failure of the nios2-terminals does not affect the operation in the StratixII. 

As soon as the nios2-terminals are restarted, data is display, and nios2-terminals vanishes, ....<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif  



This symtum remains with the following variations on the routing-NIOS2 : 

- for both the reduce/non-reduced drivers 

- use POSIX open/read/write and use the direct I/O ( the IORD & IOWR macros ). 

- use POSIX open/read/write one-byte-at a time Vs multBytes read/write ( improves through put ) 

- for all 6 uarts/juarts Vs only one uart/juart 

- run nios2-terminal on WinXP and Linux. ( The WinXP nios2-terminals takes a bit more time to crash ) 


My gut feel is that there is a bandwidth limit on the juart ( through the JTAG/USBBlaster ), and the USBBlaster/HostDriver failed to handle overflow, and cause the JTAG port to be closed. 


Your insights to improve / explain the implementation is much apprecipated.<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r.gif
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You did not say which software are you using on the device... is it the standard Altera HAL? 


did you try to use non-blocking writes? 


what do you use for the communication among the two CPUs? 




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by paolo.gai@Dec 14 2005, 06:37 AM 

you did not say which software are you using on the device... is it the standard altera hal? 


did you try to use non-blocking writes? 


what do you use for the communication among the two cpus? 





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I am prototyping with the StratixII (DSP) evalboard, and stock drivers/libs are used. 


The data flow ( unidirectional for now ) : 


2nd Nios2 -> UARTs -> UARTs -> Routing Nios2 -> JUARTs -> nios2-terminals 


There is no commuication between the NIOS2s 

All read/write by the "Routing Nios2" to the juarts/uarts are non-blocking. 

Read/write by the "2nd Nios2" are blocking calls.
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